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GOING HOME The Rolling Stones Album : Aftermath, 1966 Verse 1:
ESpending too much Atime awEay EI can't stand aAnother dEay EMaybe you think I've sAeen the wEorld EBut I'd rather sAee my gEirl
I'm goiAng home, I'm gDoing home, I'm goiAng home, I'm goiDng home, I'm going hAome, bown bown bown bown Ba Ba bB7own bown bown back hEome !
Verse 2:
EAll those letters eAverydayE EMaybe allright iAn their Eway EBut I'd love to sAee your fEace EWhen I get home Ain their plEace
CHORUS Solo on verse's chords CHORUS Verse 3:
EWhen you're thousands miAles awaEy EI just never slAeep the Esame EIf I pack my thAings righEt now EI'd be home in sAevens hEours
EYes I will, Yes I will, I wanna see my girl..... I just can't wait, etc
Comments by salmon philippe (tab writer): This song should previously last about 3 minutes, but in the studio, when the end of song came,they kept on playing and made an improvised jam session during 8 more minutes... for a total song lasting 11 min 17 sec (unbielivable in that time ) Here is the 3 minutes song, for the jam, listen to the reccord....