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Artist: The National Song: Conversation 16 Album: High Violet Chords Used: EADGBe Bm: x24431 D/B: x20232 Em: 022000 A: x03330 G: 320001 D: xx0232
i think the kids are in BmtroubleD/B i do not Emknow what all the troubles are Afor give them ice for their BmfeversD/B you're the only Emthing i ever want anyAmore we'll live on coffee and BmflowersD/B try not to Emwonder what the weather will Abe i figured out what we're BmmissingD/B tell you miserable Emthings after you are asAleep
now we'll Bmleave the silver Dcity cause alGl the silver girls Bmgave usD black Gdreams Bmleave the silver Dcity cause aGll the silver girls BmeveryDthing means Geverything
it's a Hollywood BmsummerD/B you never beEmlieve the shitty thoughts i thiAnk we had friends out for BmdinnerD/B when i said what i sEmaid i didn't mean anyAthing we belong in a BmmovieD/B try to hold it togEmether till our friends are Agone we should swim in a fBmountainD/B I do not wEmant to disappoint anyAone
now we'll Bmleave the silver Dcity cause alGl the silver girls Bmgave us Dblack Gdreams Bmleave the silver Dcity cause aGll the silver girls BmeveryDthing means Geverything
DI was afraidBm I'd eat yF#mour Abrains DI was afraidBm I'd eat yF#mour Abrains
D Cause IBm'm F#mevilA D Cause IBm'm F#mevilA
I'm a confident lBmiar D/B Have my head in the oEmven so you know where I'll beA I try to be more roBmmantic D/B i wanna Embelieve in everything you believAe i was less than amazinBmg D/B i do not knoEmw what all the troubles are forA i fall asleep in your brancheBms D/B you're the only thiEmng i ever want anymorAe
now we'll Bmleave the silver Dcity cause alGl the silver girls Bmgave us Dblack Gdreams Bmleave the silver Dcity cause aGll the silver girls BmeveryDthing means Geverything
DI was afraidBm I'd eat yF#mour Abrains DI was afraidBm I'd eat yF#mour Abrains
D Cause IBm'm F#mevilA D Cause IBm'm F#mevilA D Cause IBm'm F#mevilA D