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The Cowboys' Christmas Ball - the killers Chords: C# F# G# Bbm Fm E |----4------2------4------1------1-----| B |----6------2------4------2------1-----| G |----6------3------5------3------1-----| D |----6------4------6------3------3-----| A |----4------4------6------1------3-----| E |-----------2------4-------------1-----| *Intro: C# F# C# C# F# G# C# E |--------------4-------------------------|-----------------4-----------------------| B |-----6-----7-----6----------------------|-------6-----7------6--------------------| G |--6--------------------6--------6-------|----6--------------------6---------5--6--| D |-----------------------------8-----6----|-------------------------------8---------| A |----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| E |----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|
C#Way out in North Nevada, where the TF#rukee's waters fC#low C#Where the cattle are "a-browzin'' and tF#he Spanish ponG#ies grow C#Where the Norther comes whistlin' from beF#yond the Neutral sC#trip C#And the prairie dogs are sneezin' as F#if they G#had "C#the Grip"
Where the coG#yotes come a-hBbmowlin' round the rF#anches after dC#ark And the bG#lue-birds are siBbmngin' to the loF#vely "medG#der lark" Where the bG#ig horns are gBbmrazin' and the loF#nely plovers cC#all It was thG#ere that I attBbmended "TF#he Cowboys'G# ChristC#mas Ball"
C#The boys had left the ranches and coF#me to town in piC#les C#The ladies "kinder scatterin'&quoF#t; had gathereG#d in for miles C#The room was togged out gorgeous with misF#tletoe and sC#hawls C#And candles flickered frescoes aroF#und the aG#iry waC#lls
The &quoG#t;wimmin folks"Bbm; looked lovF#ely, the boys lookeC#d kinder treed Till their leG#ader commenced yBbmellin': "HF#ey, fellers, let'G#s stampede" The mG#usic started sBbmighin' and a-waF#ilin' through the hC#all As a kG#ind of introBbmduction to "F#The CowboysG#' ChrisC#tmas Ball"
C#The leader was a fellow that came from SwF#enson's RaC#nch C#They called him "Windy Billy,&quoF#t; from "littlG#e Dead-man's Branch" C#His rig was "kinder keerless,&qF#uot; big spurs and higC#h-heeled boots C#He had the reputation that coF#mes when &quoG#t;fellC#ers shoots"
His vBbmoice was like the bugle uFmpon the mountain's height His fBbmeet were animated, an' a miF#ghty movin' sG#ight When C#he commenced to holler, "NowF#, fellers, stake C#yer pen! Come on! lC#ock horns to all them heifers, an' ruF#ssle 'em like C#men
SaG#loot yer lovely criBbmtters; now sF#wing an' let 'em C#go ClG#imb the grape vine rBbmound 'em, all hF#ands do-ce-G#do! And MavG#ericks, jine the rBbmound-up, jest sF#kip her wateC#rfall" Huh! G#hit wuz gittin' hBbmappy, "TF#he Cowboys'G# ChristC#mas Ball!"
Don't tC#ell me about cotillions, or gerF#mans. No sir C#'ee! That whC#irl at Carson City just tF#akes the cake with G#me I'm sC#ick of lazy shufflin's, of tF#hem I've had my fC#ill Just gC#ive me a fronteer breakdown, baF#cked up by WG#ild BiC#ll
McAG#llister ain't nowBbmhere! when WF#indy leads the sC#how I've sG#een 'em both in harBbmness, an' F#so I sorter kG#now Oh, BG#ill, I sha'n't foBbmrget yer, and IF#'ll oftentimes reC#call That livG#ely-gaited swBbmorray, "F#The CowboysG#' ChrisC#tmas Ball"
Oh, G#Bill, I sha'n't fBbmorget yer, and F#I'll oftentimes rC#ecall That livG#ely-gaited swBbmorray, "F#The CowboysG#' ChrisC#tmas Ball"
*Outro: G#-C#