The Killers - Mr brightside
chordsver. 6
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1 Column
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Can be strummed or picked.
Picking pattern for the verse is next to the three chords you use and further over is
pattern for the other parts. the numbers are the string numbers from high e being 1 to low
being 6. Pretty simple.
Verse Prechorus/ Chorus
Dsus2: xx0230 43232123 4323
Dmaj7:x40230 53232123 5323
G/A:3x0230 63232123 6323
Bmin/A:x20230 5323
Asus4:x02230 4323
Dsus2I'm coming out of my Dmaj7cage
And I've been doing just G/Afine
Gotta gotta be dG/Aown
Because I want it Dsus2all
It started out with a Dmaj7kiss
How did it end up like G/Athis
It was only a kG/Aiss, it was only a kiss
Dsus2Now I'm falling aslDmaj7eep
And she's calling a G/Acab
While he's having a G/Asmoke
And she's taking a Dsus2drag
Now they're going to Dmaj7bed
And my stomach is sG/Aick
And it's all in my G/Ahead
But she's touching his-Bmin/Achest
Now, he takes off her dAsus4ress
Now, letting me G/Ago
Bmin/AAnd I just can't look its kAsus4illing me
And taking coG/Antrol
Dsus2Jealousy, turning G/Asaints intBmin/Ao the sea
Asus4Swimming through sick lDsus2ullabies
G/AChoking on your Bmin/Aalibis
Asus4But it's just the Dsus2price I pay
G/ADestiny is caBmin/Alling me
Asus4Open up my eDsus2ager eyG/Aes
Bmin/A'Cause I'm Mr Asus4Brightside