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The Killers - Joel, The Lump Of Coal feat. Jimmy Kimmel Flat tune A/C# = x4222x B7/D# = xx1202 D/F# = 20023x E/G# = 422400 A#dim7 = x12020 D7/C = x34x3x A7 = x02020 Verse 1
Some tDime ago, at A/C#Santa's place Bmup in the old North PAole There lEmived a lump of Bmanthracite whose pEarents called him JAoel JDoel, Joel, the lAump of coal Bmhappy as a lump can F#mbe He jGust wants to keep SDanta warm and mGake the elves cozAy
But SDanta Claus hadA/C# other plans for JBmoel one fateful dAay &qEmuot;Joel, you're justBm the lump I need cEome join me on Amy sleigh" JDoel, Joel, the lAump of coal Bmheart leapt up with F#mjoy, I'll sGoon be Santa's prDesent to a lGucky girl or bAoy B7/D#
We'll lEmaugh and play togetherD and hAold each other tightG SnDuggle under clean white shAeets when we gGo to sleep at nightD/F# Then SEmanta's elves all laughed at Joel,D "yoAu're in for a surGprise You're nDot a special Christmas giftA you're jGust a booby prizeD/F# What kEmid would ever want you?D You're fAilthy as can beG NDow you have to go and liveA with Gone who's been naughty"
"D;But I mGake hE/G#eat, poor JoAel crieA#dim7d and elBmectricity" "You polluteD7/C the air with CO2 A7and mercury"
Verse 2
JDoel, Joel, the lAump of coal fell dBmown upon his kF#mnees &quoGt;I don't wanna live witDh a naughty kid doGn't make me, SantAa, please" But SDanta laughed his A/C#jolly laugh, "Bm;Ho, Ho, you stupidA lump You're jEmust the thing to teBmach this brat that SEanta ain't no chAump"
So Doff they flew and, beA/C#fore he knew JBmoel was in a sAack He crEmied and yelled to SBmanta Claus, "Ewhy don't we justA go back?"
And tEmhen came Christmas morningD And, mAuch to Joel's surprise (Much to Joel'Gs surprise) He sDaw a boy with the saddest faceA And tGears were in his eyes (Tears wereD/F# in his eyes) He Empicked Joel up and held himD And sAaid, "you can be my friend (Hey mGan, let's be friends) I woDuld've liked some presents bAut You're whGat Santa chose to send (Santa cD/F#hose to send) It's tEmrue, I've been a naughty boy D And mAaybe that's a sin (Maybe thGat's a sin) If thDis is how Santa treats the kidsA, I'm jGust glad that I'm not him"
Verse 3
JDoel, Joel, the lAump of coal kBmnew what he mustF#m do He said, &qGuot;now I know tDhe reasonG why I got sentA to you Cause whDen a person hurtA/C#s inside it tBmurns him hard and cAruel But EmI know how to mBmake your pain intEo a precious jewelA"
"D;So take me in A/C#your hand, young man anBmd squeeze with all yAour might Let's tEmurn your pain and Bmanger into sEomething that shines brAight" Then JDoel, Joel, the lAump of coal he gBmave his life aF#mway Oh, Gone good naughty lDittle boy get a dGiamond on ChrAistmas dDay
Outro (D) A |Bm F#m |G D |G A ||D