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GHappy, smDilin', cryin' upwardBms to my pastC, GI guess those storDmy gray skies simply cBmouldn't last. C GAnd now I fiDnd myself a-tuggBming at your dresCs. GThe funnel hoDlding me down, oh Bmsee the cloud, it's nCever gonna pass.
GSomewhere thDere's a place a Bmsoul can nevCer go, GGray-like stDormy skies I Bmhoped you didn't know. C GAll our poDstcards full of things IBm won't forget. C GAnd now it's coDming down, that lBmaughing clown is aCll I ever get.
GAnother seDcond time aroundBm, I've been runnin' fromC ya GAnother seDcond time around. Bm C GAnother seDcond, one more second tBmime, I waited for ya, C GAnother seDcond time around. Bm C
DCouldn't heClp myself, I Dfelt like everyCthing was gonna Dpass. It was an Cawkward time, I Dhoped it wouldn't, hoped it Ccouldn't last.
(G D Bm C) 2x
GAnd I diDdn't know exactlyBm what to say, C GAbout the thDings you saw me Bmdo my eDvil way. GAnd I know yoDu're lyin', Bmcryin' in your bed. C GWell I'm all tiDred out, so wired outBm, it's ringinCg in my head.
GAnother seDcond time aroundBm, I've been runnin' fromC ya GAnother seDcond time around. Bm C GAnother seDcond, one more second tBmime, I waited for ya, C GAnother seDcond time around. Bm C GAnother seDcond time around. Bm C GAnother seDcond time around. Bm C