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intro: D A B F# G F# D F# G A (2x) verse:
C#In thDe middle of the niF#ghtG A C#That'sD when you caught my eF#ye G A C#I chDased you round in memoriF#es G A C#ThrouDgh the breeze and the trees aF#nd yGou teAase me But hey C# D F#The clock'sG turning arAound C# D AF#nd you're stGill plaAying these games C# D It's such a waste to bring me doEmwn, dEmown, dEmown GDon't bring me down caAuse
GHey girl,I wanna caAtch your wAavBe B A GHey girl,I wanna driAft awBay wAith yGou HGey girl,you've got an uF#ndeArtBow E F# G A D (back to intro 2x) Hey girl,hey girl, don't wanna let you go
C#When I tDurned sixteen F# G A C#That's Dwhen I started to drF#eamG A C#I chaDsed you round in memoriF#es G A C#ThroDugh the breeze and the trees aF#nd GyouA tease me But hC#ey D WF#ell evGery princess hasA her knight C# D And F#I'm stGill in it fAor the fight C# D Not givin' in, I'm gonna wEmin, wEmin, wEmin GI'm gonna win cAause
Chorus: (on last line of chorus go to a C instead of D)
G I'm nevCer gonna let youG go C G Em B A (hold) Hey girl, I wanna catch your wave Hey girl, I wanna drift away wAith yAou Hey girl, you've got an unBdertC#ow F#Hey girlG#, hey girl,A don't wanna leBt you
AHey girl, I wanna catBch yourB wC#aveC# B AHey girl, I wanna driBft awC#ay wiBth yAou AHey girl, you've got an unG#derAtoBw F#Hey girlG#, hey girl,A don't wanna leBt you F#Hey girlG#, hey girl Adon't wanna letB you gEo B C# IG#'llA never let you goG# E G# A B AlrightE B C# G# A G# E G# A B