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Capo: 3
The other version doesn't have the little riff that is played throughout this song and it is also wrong. There is no E minor in this song at all, just the 1, 4, and 5 chords (like so many great tunes.) CAPO 3 to match The Avett's version. Riff used throughout: YOU PUT IT WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE e---------3-3--------3-3--------3-3----3-3-----------------------| B---------3-3--------3-3--------3-3----3-3-----------------------| G------0--0-0--------0-0--------0-0----0-0-----------------------| D--2p0-------------0------------0-0----0-0-----------------------| A--------------2p0-----------------------------------------------| E-------------------------0-2-3------3---------------------------|
GI've never Dtaken this Gcurve, Gdriving this Dfast Gbefore GA glowing stop Dsign but Gboth lanes are Cmine no Gseatbelts Dattached to my Gdoor.
Well Gmy Speed Dmeter don't Gwork, so GI'm gonna Dguess G95. GWell maybe I'll Dfix it and Gmaybe I Cwon't it Gdepends on my Dbeing Galive.
GWell my bottle of Dbourbon is Ggone. GFlew away Dall by Gitself. GSo if ever you Dfind it my Gphoto behCind it in Gmemory of Dme on your Gshelf.
GWell my 63' DFord is aG bull. GShe's 4000 Dpounds at Gleast. GBut metal Dsurrenders when Goak trees meet Cfenders and Gengines go Dthrough the front Gseat.
GWell I lost Dcontrol in the Gcurve, and a Ggas line Dbroke in the Gwreck GI walked from the Dashes with Gjust a few Cscratches my Gcrucifix Dwarm on my Gneck.
GWell my good lord was Dwith me Gtonight. GRiding Dbeside me Gtonight. GAnd now we're just Dtalking we're Ghitch-hiking Cwalking we'll Gsee you in DConcord Gtonight.
GAnd now we're just Dwalking we're Ghitch-hiking Ctalking we'll Gsee Dconcord.......GtonigCht. G
There you go. More accurate than the other one. Just put the riff thingy where it belongs. Jifigz