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Standard tuning The beginning part finger picking part goes like this e|-------3------------3-----------3---------------3-----------------| B|--1-1----1-----1-1----1-----1-1---1------1-1------1---------------| G|-----------0------------0-----------0---------------0-------------| D|---------------3-3-----------------------3-3----------------------| A|--3-3-----------------------0-0-----------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------------| Play twice and then sing into "say your sorry.... C(C5) F(Fsus2) Am(Am7) F(Fsus2) Say your sorry, that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to
as I pCaced back and foFurth all this time cause IAm honestly believed in Fyou (start strumming) HoldAmin on, the Fdays drag on. Stupid Ggirl, I should've known, should've known
that I'm not a prCincess this ain't a fairyAm tale. I'm not the Fone you'll sweep off her feet and lGead her up the stairwell This aCin't Hollywood, this is aAm small town I was a dreamFer before you went and let Gme down. Now its too Amlate for yoGu and your wFhite horse to come around.C
MCaybe I was naiveF, got lost in your eyes aAmnd never really had a Fchance. CMy mistake I didFn't know to be in love you had to Amfight to get the upper haFnd AmI had so many dreams about yFou and me, happy enGdings, now I know
that I'm not a prCincess this ain't a fairyAm tale. I'm not the Fone you'll sweep off her feet and lGead her up the stairwell This aCin't Hollywood, this is aAm small town I was a dreamFer before you went and let Gme down. Now its too Amlate for yoGu and your wFhite horse to come around.
C Am F G
AmAnd there yGou are onF your knees CBegging for forGgiveness, beggFing for me C G F Bflat Just like I always wanted but Im soooo sorry
Cause I'm not your prCincess, this ain't a fairAmy tale Im gonna fFind someone someday who might aGctually treat me well This is a big Cworld, that was a smalAml town ThereF in my rear view mirror dGisappearin now and its toGo late for yAmou n your whitGe horse now its toGo late for yAmou n your whitGe horse to catch me now C F
oooAmohhh try and catch me Fnow C F IAmts tooo latFe To catch me Cnow