Taylor Swift - Red acoustic
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Artist: Taylor Swift
ALBUM: Red Acoustic (2012)
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2obMo7y-rvA
Transcription: SCA, kostya.levin.sca@gmail.com
Chords are for the acoustic versions of the songs!
You need to watch the video in the link above!
List Of The Songs:
01. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (starts at 01:28)
02. Treacherous (starts at 05:47)
03. 22 (starts at 10:50)
01. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (acoustic)
Tuning: standard
Capo: NO Capo
Chords used:
name: E.A.D.G.B.E
Cadd9: x.3.x.0.3.3
G9: 3.x.
Dsus4: x.x.
Em7: (or
pm: palm-mute
st: strum
one: hit each chord one time
Verse: (pm)
Cadd9 I remember when we broke G9up the first time
Dsus4 Saying This is it, I've had enouEm7gh 'cause like
Cadd9We hadn't seen each other in a monG9th
When you Dsus4said you needed Em7space, What?
Then youCadd9 come around again and sG9ay
Baby, I mDsus4iss you and I swear I'm gonna chEm7ange
Trust me, rCadd9emember how that lasted for a G9day
I say I hDsus4ate you, we break up you cEm7all me I love you
Pre-chorus: (pm)
OCadd9ooooooooooooG9oh we Dsus4called it off agaEm7in last night
But Cadd9ooooooooooG9ooh tDsus4his time I'm Em7telling you, I'mDsus4 telling you
Chorus: (st)
Cadd9We are nG9ever everDsus4 ever getting bEm7ack toDsus4gether
Cadd9We are nG9ever ever Dsus4ever getting bEm7ack toDsus4gether
Cadd9You go talk to G9your friends, talk toDsus4 my friends, talk toEm7 me Dsus4
Cadd9 G9 Dsus4 (stop) (pm) Cadd9 G9
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Dsus4Like Em7eveer
Verse: (pm)
Cadd9 I'm really gonna miss you pickiG9ng fights
And me Dsus4falling for it screaming that IEm7'm right
And you wouldCadd9 hide away and find your piece oG9f mind
With some Dsus4indie record that's muchEm7 cooler than mine
Pre-chorus: (pm)
Cadd9OoooooooooooG9ooooooh Dsus4you called me up Em7again tonight
But Cadd9oooooooooG9oooooh tDsus4his time I'm Em7telling you, I'm Dsus4telling you
Chorus: (st)
Cadd9We are nG9ever everDsus4 ever getting bEm7ack toDsus4gether
Cadd9We are nG9ever ever Dsus4ever getting bEm7ack toDsus4gether
Cadd9You go talk to G9your friends, talk toDsus4 my friends, talk toEm7 me Dsus4
But Cadd9we are G9never ever Dsus4ever ever getting back together
Cadd9OooooooG9oh oooDsus4oooooh Em7oooooDsus4oooh
Cadd9OooooooG9oh oooDsus4oooooh Em7oooooDsus4oooh
Bridge: (one)
Cadd9I used to G9think thatDsus4 we were fEm7orever Dsus4ever ever
And Cadd9I used to G9say Dsus4never say nEm7ever Dsus4
Bridge part II: (pm)
Cadd9 G9 Huh so he calls meDsus4 up and he's like I still love Em7you
AndDsus4 I'm like Cadd9God this is exhaustinG9g you know
We are never Dsus4getting back together like ever
Chours: (st)
Cadd9We are nG9ever everDsus4 ever getting bEm7ack toDsus4gether
Cadd9We are nG9ever ever Dsus4ever getting bEm7ack toDsus4gether
Cadd9You go talk to G9your friends, talk toDsus4 my friends, talk toEm7 me Dsus4
But Cadd9we are G9never ever Dsus4ever ever getting back together
Cadd9OooooooG9oh oooDsus4oooooh Em7oooooDsus4oooh
Cadd9OooooooG9oh oooDsus4oooooh Em7oooooDsus4oooh
Cadd9You go talk to G9your friends, talk toDsus4 my friends, talk toEm7 me Dsus4
But Cadd9we are G9never ever Dsus4ever ever getting back together
02. Treacherous (acoustic)
Tuning: standard
Capo: 2nd fret!
Chords used:
name: E.A.D.G.B.E
C: x.
G6: 3.x.
Am7: x.
Fmaj7: x.x.
Am: x.
C G6 Am7 Fmaj7 x2
C Put your lips close G6to mine
As Am7long as they don't Fmaj7touch
C Out of focus eye tG6o eye
Till the Am7gravity's too Fmaj7much
C And I'll do anything youG6 say
If you Am7say it with your handFmaj7s
C And I'd be smart to walk aG6way
But you're Am7quick sand Fmaj7
C This slope isG6 treacherous Am7
This path isFmaj7 reckless C
This slope isG6 treacherous Am7
Fmaj7 (stop)
And I I I, like it
C I can't decide if it's a G6choice
Am7Getting swept awFmaj7ay
C I hear the sound of my own G6voice
Am7Asking you toFmaj7 stay
C And all we are is skin and G6bone
Am7Trained to get alonFmaj7g
C Forever going with the G6flow
But you're Am7friction Fmaj7
C This slope isG6 treacherous Am7
This path isFmaj7 reckless C
This slope isG6 treacherous Am7
And I I IFmaj7, like it
G6 Two headlights Amshine through the sleepless Fmaj7night
And I will, Fmaj7get you a, get you aloG6ne
Your name has Amechoed through my Fmaj7mind
And I just Fmaj7think you should, think you should knoG6w
That nothing Amsafe is worth the Fmaj7drive and
I will Fmaj7follow you, follow you hG6ome
I'll Amfollow you, follow you hoFmaj7me Fmaj7
C This slope isG6 treacherous Am7
This daydream Fmaj7is dangerousC
This slope isG6 treacherous Am7
And I I IFmaj7, I I I Fmaj7I I
G6 Two headlights Amshine through the sleepless Fmaj7night
And I will, Fmaj7get you a, get you aloG6ne
Your name has Amechoed through my Fmaj7mind
And I just Fmaj7think you should, think you should knoG6w
That nothing Amsafe is worth the Fmaj7drive and
I will Fmaj7follow you, follow you hG6ome
I'll Amfollow you, follow you hoFmaj7me Fmaj7
C This slope isG6 Treacherous Am7
Fmaj7 (stop)
And I I I, like it
03. 22 (acoustic)
Tuning: standard
Capo: NO Capo
Chords used:
name: E.A.D.G.B.E
Cadd9: x.3.x.0.3.3
G9: 3.x.
Dsus4: x.x.
Em7: (or
pm: palm-mute
st: strum
one: hit each chord one time
Intro: (pm)
G9 Dsus4 Cadd9 Dsus4
Verse: (pm)
G9It feels like a Dsus4perfect night,Cadd9 to dress up like Dsus4hipsters
G9And make fun of our Dsus4exes, Cadd9 uh uh, Dsus4uh uh
G9It feels like a Dsus4perfect night,Cadd9 for breakfast at Dsus4midnight
G9To fall in love with Dsus4strangers, Cadd9 uh uh, Dsus4uh uh
Pre-chorus: (pm)
We're Cadd9happy, free, confused and Dsus4lonely at the G9same Dsus4time
It's Cadd9miserable and magDsus4ical, oh yeG9ah Dsus4
ToCadd9night's the night when we Dsus4forget about the G9deadlinDsus4es
Cadd9 (stop)
It's time, uh uh
Chorus: (st)
G9 I don't know aDsus4bout you,Cadd9 but I'm feeling Em7twenty-twDsus4o
Everything will be aCadd9lright iDsus4f, you keep me next to yG9ou
You don't know Dsus4about me,Cadd9 but I bet you Em7want toDsus4
Everything will be Cadd9alright iDsus4f, we just keep dancing like weG9're
Dsus4Twenty-twoCadd9oooo, twEm7enty-twoDsus4oooo
G9 TweDsus4nty-twooCadd9ooo, tweEm7nty-twoDsus4oooo
Verse: (pm)
G9It seems like Dsus4one of those nights
Cadd9 This place is too Dsus4crowded
G9Too many Dsus4cool kids, Cadd9 uh uh, Dsus4uh uh
G9It seems like Dsus4one of those nights
Cadd9 We ditch the Dsus4whole scene
GAnd end up Dsus4dreaming Cadd9instead of Dsus4sleeping
Pre-chorus: (pm)
We're Cadd9happy, free, confused and Dsus4lonely in a G9best Dsus4way
It's Cadd9miserable and magDsus4ical, oh yeG9ah Dsus4
ToCadd9night's the night when we Dsus4forget about the G9heartbrDsus4eaks
Cadd9 (stop)
It's time, uh uh
Chorus: (st)
G9 I don't know aDsus4bout you,Cadd9 but I'm feeling Em7twenty-twDsus4o
Everything will be aCadd9lright iDsus4f, you keep me next to yG9ou
You don't know Dsus4about me,Cadd9 but I bet you Em7want toDsus4
Everything will be Cadd9alright iDsus4f, we just keep dancing like weG9're
Dsus4Twenty-twoCadd9oooo, twEm7enty-twoDsus4oooo
G9 TweDsus4nty-twooCadd9ooo, tweEm7nty-twoDsus4oooo
Bridge: (st)
G9It seems like Dsus4one of those nights
Cadd9 We ditch the whole scene
It seems like one Em7of those nights
Dsus4 We won't be sleeping
G9It feels like Dsus4one of those nights
Cadd9 You look like bad news
I gotta have yEm7ou, Dsus4 I gotta have you
G9 Dsus4 OCadd9h, oh, Em7 yeDsus4ah yeah
Chorus: (st)
G9 I don't know aDsus4bout you,Cadd9 but I'm feeling Em7twenty-twDsus4o
Everything will be aCadd9lright iDsus4f, you keep me next to yG9ou
You don't know Dsus4about me,Cadd9 but I bet you Em7want toDsus4
Everything will be Cadd9alright iDsus4f, we just keep dancing like weG9're
Dsus4Twenty-twoCadd9oooo, twEm7enty-twoDsus4oooo
G9 TweDsus4nty-twooCadd9ooo, tweEm7nty-twoDsus4oooo G9
Note II:
If you have any corrections or improvements to the tab write
them on the comments section, or send me a message,
or e-mail, so we can together make this tab even better.
SCA, kostya.levin.sca@gmail.com