Taylor Swift - Mean acoustic
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Alright guys, my first tab here, but I know its right, I watched the video and
tabbed it out for you and me. Cody Carson covered Taylor Swift's "Mean."
Here's the link to go along with the video:
P.s. I THINK the tuning is in 1/2 Step Down. I can't tell for sure (its either
half step or standard, you can pick).
-Set It Off's #1 Fan Casey Crosby-
You,C with your words like knFives, and sFwords and weapons that you use
against me
YouC, have kFnocked me off my feet again, Fgot me feeling like a nothing
CYou, with your voicFe like nails on a chalkbFoard
calling me out when I'm wounded
YoCu, pickingF on the weaker Fman
FWell you can take me downF with just one single blow,F But you don't
know what you don't know and
CSomeday,F I'll be livingDm in Fa big ol' city,
CAnd all you'reF ever gFonna be is mean.
CSomeday, FI'll be biDmg enough so F you can't hit me,
CAnd all you're eFver gFonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so Cmean?F C
CYou, Fwith your switching sides andF your wildfire lies and your
CYou, Fhave pointed out mFy flaws again, as if I don't already see them,
CI walk Fwith my head down tryingF to block you out 'cause I'll never impress
CI Fjust Fwanna feel okay again.
FI'll bet you got pushed around,F somebody made you cold,
FBut the cycle ends right now 'cause you wont take me down that road.
But you don't know what you don't know.
CSomeday, FI'll be livinDmg in a Fbig ol' city,
CAnd all you'reF ever gonnFa be is mean.
CSomeday, FI'll be bDmig enough so thatF you can't hit me,
CAnd all you'reF ever gonnaF be is mean.
CWhy you gotta be so mean? F F C F F
FAnd I can see you years from now in a barF talking over a football game,
FWith that same big loud opinioFn but nobody's listening,
FWashed up and ranting aboutF the same oldDm bitter things,
FDrunk and rumbling on abouFt howDm I can't sing,
CAll yFou are iFs mean.
CAll yFou are iFs meanC, and Fa liar, Fand pathetic, and alone in life anCd mean.
FAnd meFan, andF mean,
D (Just Sung)
But someday, I'll be living in a big ol' city,
And all you're ever gonnFa be is mean.
Yeah, yeah.
CSomeday, FI'll be Fliving in a big ol' city,
CAnd all yFou're evFer gonna be is mean.
Why ya gotta be so
CSomeday, FI'll be Fliving in a big ol' city,
CAnd all yFou're eveFr gonna be is mean.
CSome Day FI'll beF big enough so you can't hit me
CAnd all yFour everF gonna be is mean
CWhy ya gotta be so mean