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Transpose 0
Capo: 9
Tuning: E A D G B E
Mean by Taylor Swift
Tabbed by P.Yabao
(Manila, Philippines)
Most country songs use 'drone' strings that do not change, a lot are on the G chord formation
as many of Taylor songs are, so I raised the capo to 9th and transposed all to follow a G chord drone.
This in turn becomes the very same key as the original song. Your guitar will also sound like a banjo
because of the high capo and that makes it sound like the original. Have fun!
ECaApoD oGn B9tEh fret
Em7/G: 022033
Dsus4: xx0233
Cadd9: x32033
G: 320033
2Dsus4: 540055
2Cadd9: 870088
*The chorus uses 2 variations of Dsus4 and Cadd9 (with a 2-suffix), this is a G chord form
that is moved higher to the 5th and 8th fret (relative to capo). If your guitar does not have
a cutout on the body and you cannot reach these frets, use the original Dsus4 and Cadd9 instead.
Em7/GYou, with yourDsus4 words like knives and swords Cadd9
And weapons that you Cadd9use against me
Em7/GYou, have knocDsus4ked me off my feet agCadd9ain
Got me Cadd9feelin' like a nothin'
Em7/GYou, with your voicDsus4e like nails on a chalk boCadd9ard
Callin' me Cadd9out when I'm wounded
Em7/GYou, pickDsus4in' on the weaker Cadd9man
Well Dsus4you can take me down withG just oneCadd9 single Dsus4blow
But Cadd9you don't know, what you don't know
GSomeday Dsus4I'll be liviEm7/Gn in a big ol' city Cadd9
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
GSomeday Dsus4I'll be big Em7/Genough so you can't hit meCadd9
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be Gso mean?
*intermission hammering chords
G -- Open -- hammer on G chord
G G YEm7/Gou, with your...
Em7/GYou, with your swiDsus4tching sides and
Your Cadd9wild fire lies and your humiCadd9liation
Em7/GYou, have poinDsus4ted out my flaws again Cadd9
As if I don't already see them
Em7/GI walk with my heDsus4ad down
tryin' to Cadd9block you out
'cause I Cadd9never impress you
Em7/GI just wannaDsus4 feel okay again Cadd9
Dsus4I bet you got pushed around
Em7/GSomebody madeCadd9 you colDsus4d
Dsus4But the cycle ends right now 'cause
Cadd9You can't lead me down that road
Cadd9And you don't know what you don't know
GSomeday Dsus4I'll be lEm7/Givin in a big ol'Cadd9 city
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
GSomeday I'llDsus4 be big enougEm7/Gh so you can't Cadd9hit me
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean? G
*Use hammer chord riff
G (2 measures)
And I can seDsus4e you years from now in a bar
Em7/GTalkin' over a footCadd9ball game Dsus4
Dsus4With that same big loud opinion
Em7/GBut no one's listCadd9ening Dsus4
Dsus4Washed up and ranting about the
Em7/Gsame old Dsus4bitter tCadd9hings
Dsus4Drunk and rumblin' all about how I caEm7/Gn't siDsus4ng Cadd9
But all you are is meaGn Dsus4 Cadd9
Cadd9All you are is meanG, and a liarDsus4, and patheticCadd9
And Cadd9a low-life and mean, aGnd mean, aDsus4nd mean, and mCadd9ean Cadd9
GSomeday Dsus4I'll be livin in a big ol'Cadd9 city
And Gall you're Dsus4ever gonna be is meanCadd9...yeahh
*(back with rhythm)
GSomeday Dsus4I'll be bigEm7/G enough so you can't hCadd9it me
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so.. Someday G
IDsus4'll be liviEm7/Gn in a big ol' Cadd9city
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
GSomeday Dsus4I'll be big Em7/Genough so you can't Cadd9hit me
G 2Dsus4 2Cadd9
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be soG mean