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Hey Guys/Gals! This is my first tab, so I really hope you like it, and please, please, please rate it! Thanks! :) Tuning: Standard Intro: Gsus2 Csus2 Em Csus2
Gsus2You take a deep breath and you walkCsus2 through the doors It's the morningEm of your very first dayCsus2 And you say Gsus2hi to your friends you ain't sCsus2een in a while Try and stay Em7out of everybody's way Csus2
GIt's your freshman year and you're gCsus2onna be here Em7For the next four years in this Csus2town Hoping one of those seGnior boys will Csus2wink at you and say "You know,Em7 I haven't seen you aCsus2round before" 'Cause when yGou're fifteenEm7 and somebody tells you thDey love you You're gonna believe thCem And when you'Gre fifteen feeD/F#ling like there's nothiEm7ng to figure out Well, coEm7unt to ten, take it in DThis is life before you kGnow who you're gD/F#onna be C D Fifteen Gsus2 GYou sit in class next to a rCedhead named Abigail Em7And soon enough you're best friendsC GLaughing at the other girls who tChink they're so cool We'll be out OEm7f here as soo as we can Csus2
And thGen you're on your very first daCte and he's got a car Em7And you're feCsus2eling like flying And your maGma's waitin up and your tCsus2hinkin he's the one And your dancing 'Em7round your room when the night enCds D/C When the night ends C
'Cause when youG're fifteen and somebody tells you they loveD you You're gonna believe thCem When you're fiGfteen and your D/F#first kiss Makes Em7your head spin 'rCsus2ound Em7But in your life you'll do things gDreater than Dating the Gboy on the foD/F#otball team CBut I didn't knDow it at fifteen G
CWhen all you wEm7anted was to be wanDted Wish you could go back and teGll yourself what D/F#you know noCw D Dsus Gsus2Back then I swore I was gonna mCsus2arry him someday Em7But I realized some bigger dreams of miCsus2ne And AGbigail gave everythiCsus2ng she had to a boy Em7Who changed his mCsus2ind and we both crCied 'Cause when you're fifGteen and somEm7ebody tells you they loDve you You're gonna believe tChem And when you're fifGteen, dD/F#on't forget tEm7o look before you falCsus2l Em7I've found time can heal most aDnything And you just might fiGnd who you're supD/F#posed to Cbe Csus2 I didn't kEm7now who I was suD/F#pposed to be at D fifteen G
Em7La (xC26)G Em7 C C Em7Take a deep breath as you walk thCrough the dooCsus2rs