Switchfoot - What is costs
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Here are the chords for What it Costs off of the Edge of the Earth ep.
This song is special because Tim, John's brother sings it.
It's beautiful and I hope you like it.
The D6th is just an em chord plus hold down the B string on the third fret.
SuDnlight fading fasGt make it lDast
D6th G D (A)
Like a flame it flickers in its past
MooDnlight fades to Ggray carry Don
YouD6th never know what's rGeal until iDt's gone
LovAe deals the cuGrrency of lDife
DonA't ever forgeGt what it coAsts
D6thHold on to Gme carrDy me thrAough
D6thOur story iGs a paiDn that wAe outgrew
D6thYeah you caGn't calDl it lovAe until you've lost
D6thIf you loveG someonDe this isA what it costs
The Dcity criesG softly at niDght
Like aD6th million teardrGops from a tDhousand eyes
I'm Ddrenched bGeneath the rainDy Melbourne sky
WonderD6thing how it is I Gfeel so dry Dinside
LoAve uses paiGn to drill thDe holes
ThAat irrigate our Gdry and thirsty soAuls
HD6thold on to Gme carDry me tAhrough
OD6thur story iGs a paDin that we ouAtgrew
YD6theah you can't call it loGve until you'veD lost A
If yoD6thu love someone thGis is what it cDosts A
SunlDight fading FGast make it Dlast
SunlDight fading fGast make it lDast.
This is my first tab so feedback and corrections welcome. -Joyce