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**guitars 2 and 3 are in [C G C G B e] tuning (tune D down to a C, A to a G,
and E down to a C.) and guitar 1 is drop d.**
intro: guitar 1
G--7-555-4-2-0-7-555-4-2-0-7-555-4-2-0-7-555-4-2-0-> repeat
intro: guitar 2 (come in here)
G5 D5 E5 C5 G5 D5 E5 C5
e--------------------------------------------------> NOTE** I have given you
B-------------555555-----------------555555--------> the chords that those
G-------77777744444455555------777777444444555555--> are while in the weird
C-77777799999944444477777777777999999444444777777--> [C G C G B e] tuning.
verse 1: guitar 2 2
| /
|verse 1: guitar 1 /
|e--------------------------------------------------> /
|B-3-3-3-3-3-333-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-333-3-3-3-3-3--> /
|G-2-2-2-2-2-220-0-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-2-2-220-0-0-0-0-0--> /
|D-2-2-2-2-2-22------------2-2-2-2-2-22-------------> repeat /
|A-------------3-3-3-3-3232------------3-3-3-3-3232-> /
all rise all fall I'll fail you all we built these cities to stand so tall
we've lost our walls
pre-chorus 1: guitar 1 _________________
/e-0~~---5~~---0~~------------------------------> \
|B-3~~---5~~---1~~------------------------------> \
|G----------------------------------------------> \
|D----------------------------------------------> \
|A----------------------------------------------> \
|D----------------------------------------------> \
| \
|pre-chorus 1: guitar 2 (guitar 3-acoustic-plays this also, just no palm \
| muting) \
| D E5 C5 D E5 C5 |
|e----------------------------------------------> NOTE I did the same thing|
|B-3xxxxx----------------3xxxxx-----------------> here. You get the point |
|G-2xxxxx----------------2xxxxx-----------------> now. /
|C-2xxxxx4xxxxx0xxxxxxxxx2xxxxx4xxxxx0xxxxxxxxx-> _______________________/
|G-2xxxxx4xxxxx0xxxxxxxxx2xxxxx4xxxxx0xxxxxxxxx-> /
I don't want to lose it coming down with the whole world upside-down I
don't have a soul to trust in now with the whole world upside-down
chorus: guitar 1
|B-888888-333333-555555-555555-> \
|G-777777-222222-444444-555555-> \_______
|D-555555-000000-222222-555555-> repeat 4x\
|A-555555-000000-222222-333333-> |
|D-555555-000000-222222--------> |
| |
|chorus: guitar 2 |
|e-333333----------------------> |
|B-333333-333333-555555-111111-> |
|G-000000-222222-444444-000000-> |
|C-222222-222222-444444-000000-> repeat 4x/
|G-000000-222222-444444-000000-> /
we are one tonight and we're singing it out we are one tonight and we're
dreaming out loud and the world is flawed but these scars will heal we are
one tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
verse 2: guitar 2 2
| /
|verse 2: guitar 1 /
|e--------------------------------------------------> /
|B-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--> /
|G-2-2-2-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-0-0--> /
|C-2-2-2-2-2020------------2-2-2-2-2020-------------> repeat /
|G-------------32323-3-3232------------32323-3-3232-> /
two eyes one tongue I've come undone I'm no victim I paid these dues I came
to lose
pre-chorus 2: guitar 1
| |
|pre-chorus 2: guitar 2 |
I don't want to fight about it now with the whole world upside-down I don't
have a soul to trust in now with the whole world upside-down
repeat chorus riff 6x: guitar 2 and 1
we are one tonight and we're singing it out we are one tonight and we're
dreaming out loud and the world is flawed but these scars will heal we are
one tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
bridge: guitar 1
| |
|bridge: guitar 2 |
I don't want to lose a common ground with the whole world upside-down I
don't want to fight about it now when the world was burning out
bridge: guitar 3
Let's slow the evening down slow it down slow down please slow down, down,
down the stars are comin' out
last chorus: guitar 2 and 1 (it fades out on the CD) repeat chorus riff 8x:
we are one we are one we are one we are one tonight we are one tonight and
were singing it out we are one tonight and were dreaming out loud and the
world is flawed but these scars will heal we are one tonight, tonight,
tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight