Switchfoot - The edge of the earth
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Track listing:
1) Fading West 4:18
2) Against the Voices 4:18
3) Skin And Bones 4:02
4) What It Costs 4:05
5) Slow Down My Heartbeat 4:39
6) Liberty 4:05
7) The Edge of the Earth 4:14
Song: Fading West
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
B(Fading west with you)
B(Fading west with you)
Verse 1:
B The sun goes down for the summer
B Mirrored sky full of water
B I am fading westward tE/Boo
Fading west with yoBu
Verse 2:
B Life wonât sing like I want it
B The traffic post-modern sonnet
B The traffic hums a dirty tuEne
Fading west with yoBu
Iâ?B?m headed back to the West Coast whereE Iâm from
Iâ?B?m headed back to the left coast, where EI belong
G#mCaliforniaâB/F#s calling me Eback home
Fading west with yoBu
Verse 3:
B Keep my mind over matter
B Cuz Iâve seen my hope shatter
B They told me lies I thought were trEue
Fading west with yoBu
A The sun goes down
E We were already gone
D# When I ride D#/A#on alG#mone B
E Feel like Iâ?F#?m cavBinC#mg in
D# When you leave D#/A#me alG#mone
I startB to wEonder
Where hF#ave I beEen
Where hF#ave I been B
Chorus (final):
Iâ?B?m headed back to the West Coast whereE Iâm from
Iâ?B?m headed back to the left coast, where EI belong
G#mCaliforniaâB/F#s calling me Eback home
G#mCalifornian wB/F#aters, wonât you bringE me home
Fading west with yoBu
E Fading west with yoBu
E Iâm fading west wiBth you
Song: Against the Voices
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
F#m E D E (x4)
Verse 1:
F#m Start the day against the voicesE
D The ones that tell me that I'm wrongA/C#
Bm I hear them nF#mow
EScreaming their deluDsiA/C#ons
Bm Close my eAyes and they're Dgone
Interlude: F#m E D E
Verse 2:
F#m In my mind I hear the voicesE
D In my mind I have my doubtsA/C#
Bm Burning F#mfears
These Eghosts and appariDtiA/C#ons
Bm Only your whAisper can drown them oDut, yeah
F#m If they ain't singing
F#m/E And they're just talking
F#m Let them keep Etalking to themselveDs
Cuz everybody knows
A That the hardest war to fighEt
Is a fight to be yoursF#melf
When the Evoices try to tDurn you into someone else
F#m SomeoneE elseD E
Verse 3:
F#m Start the road against the voicesE
D I picked a path out in the woodsA/C#
Bm I've made misF#mtakes
I've Egot the scars to prove DtheA/C#m
Bm I'd change the Apast if I Dcould
F#m Ba AbaA/C#ba Dba dada-daF#mda-daAdaBmda (x3)
F#m I close my eAyes and they're Dgone, gone, gone, gone
Prechorus (low):
A If they ain't singing
E/G# And they're just talking
A Let them keep E/G#talking to themsF#melves
Prechorus (link):
F#m Eh-eh
F#m/E Eh-eh
F#m Let them keep Etalking to themsDelves
Chorus (outro):
Cuz everybody knows
A That the hardest war to fighEt
Is a fight to be yoursF#melf
Close my eEyes and theyâDre gone
Song: Skin And Bones
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
B5 E5 G5
B5 G5 E5
Verse 1:
B The wasteland is mine, Emmine GalonBe G Em
B The desert comes alive when Emno one'Gs homBe G Em
B Apocalyptic skies, EmburniGng golBd G Em
B I walk these empty miles, I Emcan't find Ga souBl G Em
Bm In my mDind
G In my mEmind
Bm In my mDind, I'm miles awGay
Em I'm miles away
Interlude: B5
Verse 2:
B I'm not afraid to die, I'm aEmfraid of beGing freBe G Em
B I'm not afraid to doubt, I'm aEmfraid to bGelievBe G Em
B Don't believe the lies of Emwhat youG seBe G Em
B Elevate your mind above these EmaniGmal dreBams G Em
EFlying overhead, these animal dreBams (x4)
Em G B G
Chorus (outro):
B In my mindEm Em
G In my mindG Em
B In my mindEm Em
G In my mindG Em
Song: What It Costs
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
Verse 1:
SunG#mlight, fading Efast, make itB last
Like a F#/A#flame, C#mflickers then itâG#ms past
MoonG#mlight fades to Edark, carBry on
You F#/A#never know whatâ?C#m?s real until itG#mâs gone
Prechorus 1:
F#/A#Love deals the Ecurrency of lBoss
Donâ?F#/A#?t eveEr forget whF#/A#at it costs
Hold G#mon to meE
BCarry me thF#/A#rough
Our G#mstoryE
Is a Bpain that we outF#/A#grew
Yeah, G#myou canât callE it love
Until youâBveF#/A# lost
If you G#mlove someone
F#/A#This is what it costs
Interlude: G#m E B F#
Verse 2:
This G#mcity cries EsoftlyB tonight
Like a F#/A#million teardrops C#mfrom a thousand eG#myes
Iâ?G#m?m drenched beneathE the rainy MelbBourne sky
Wondering F#/A#how it is I C#mfeel so dry iG#mnside
Prechorus 2:
Well F#/A#love uses the Epain to drill the Bholes
To F#/A#irrigate our Edry and thirstyF#/A# souls
G#m E BOhhF#
G#m E BOhhF#
G#m E BOhhD#m
C# G#m C# G#m
D#m G#m E F#
SunG#mlight, fading Efast, make itB last
SunG#mlight, fading Efast, make itB last
Song: Slow Down My Heartbeat
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
This song is in 7/8, divided as 4+3/8 or 4+2+1/8.
Also Iâm not too sure of some of the lyrics, so apologies if any are wrong.
There is also some muddying between A/Am and D/Dm, so if you want to be safe play A5 and D5.
A F Dm
A F Dm
Verse 1:
A The mForning Dmcomes
A My mFind rolls DbackF G
A My bFodyâ?Dm?s weightless
A My woFrld goes DblacFk G
ASlow down my FheartbeDmat
ASlow down my FheartbeDat F G
ASlow down my FheartbeDmat
ASlow down my FheartbeDat F G
Verse 2:
A A loFud scream Dmin
A My haFnds are DboundF G
A The woFrldâs sDmtill breathing
A But therFeâDs no FsoGund
Interlude (high):
A F Dm
A F Dm
Interlude (low):
A F Dm
A F D E/G#
A F Dm
A F D E/G#
Refrain (x4):
A F D F GEuAphoriaâFs gone
DmItâs time to move on
A I have to beFlieve Dwe can chaE/G#nge
My Aworldâs gone Fall wrong
DmStop swimming along
A We canâFt be the Dsame old E/G#thing
Tag (x4 and fade out):
EuAphoriaâFs Dmgone
Song: Liberty
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
The bridge is in 3-bar phrases, not the regular 4-bar phrases.
Intro: F#m/A D/A A (x2)
Verse 1:
F#m/A The feeling cD/Aomes to me inA waves
F#m/A The darkest sD/Aeas Iâve Aever known
F#m/A Mine is an D/Aodyssey Aof grace
F#m/A Mine is a D/Astory headed Ahome
F#m/A I tie myseD/Alf up to the maAst
F#m/A Give up the D/Asemblance of coAntrol
F#m/A The sirens sD/Aing but I lAet them pass
F#m/A Cuz only yD/Aou could free my sAoul
Chorus (first):
Only you can free my F#msoulD/E A
Yeah, only you can free my F#msoulD/E, yAeah
Verse 2:
F#m/A Set these broD/Aken bones to Acast
F#m/A Stitch my woD/Aunds with holyA sutures
F#m/A Every saiD/Ant has got a pAast
YeahF#m/A, but every sinD/Anerâs goAt a future
Chorus (second):
And only you can free my F#msoulD A
Yeah, only you can free my F#msoulD, yAeah
F#m Show me the A/Efreedom from these chDains
F#m Show me a A/Ebattlefield thatâDs safe
F#m That waters E/G#still roll awAay
But you are my liberty
Bm D A E
F#m D A E
Free my souF#ml, free my souDl
And let lAiberty flowE
Like a floF#mod, let it grDow
And Iâ?A?ll let the pEast go
Iâve comF#me home, bacDk home
And Iâ?A?ll make it IE know
All my lF#move, all my hDope
Only yAou could free my soEul
Free my soulA
Come on and free my sDoul (only you could free my Asoul)
Only you could free my sDoul (only you could free my Asoul)
I tied myself up to the mast
I tied myDself up to the mast and let it go (only you could free my Asoul)
Yeah yeaDh
Only you could free my Asoul
Song: The Edge of the Earth
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Edge of the Earth
Intro: Bb F C (x2)
Verse 1:
Bb When the morning finds us
We Fopen up our eyCes
Bb With the stars still fading in the skFy C
Bb All along the journey
You Fleave the past behCind
Bb I had a dream that we could flFy C
Interlude (x2):
Of the distant oBb-ceans
The falling FmountainCs
The great wide oBb-pen
Of the desert skFy C
And where Iâ?Bb?ll be is
Where you fouFnd meC
Meet me Dmhere at the edF/Cge of the EBbarth
Meet me Dmhere at the edF/Cge of the EBbarth
So come onBb F C
Come onBb F C
Verse 2:
Bb So I set off running
To Freach the other siCde
Bb To find a place to call my oFwnC
Bb And in the distance
The Frivers open wiCde
Bb And I was lost but not alonFe C
So come onF F C
Come onBb/F F C
So come onBb/F F C
Come onBb/F F/A F/C C
So come onBb/F F C
Come onBb/F F/A F/C C
(repeat and fade out)