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The rythm is a little tricky, listen to the song to figure it out :) Intro: E F# G# A E F# (Bend slightly) E F# G# A B Verse1:
EMondaBy fouC#mnd mAe on my knees again BBreatEhing You in To bBlur the lC#minesA that mark where I begin B AndE where You end No useB in tC#mryingA to pretend B ComEe take me again 'CauBse rumoC#mr haAs it I'm not who I've been BCome define me
F#m WhaBt can we do G#m If the rumorsA are true'
I turnE everythingA over I turn myself in I turn C#meverything ovAer I turn myself in TherC#me's notAhing left for me to defend I turn Eeverything over I turn mAyself in, yeah
Intro riff Verse2:
EThe eBvidenC#mce cAonvicts the hollow men B AftEer looking inside ETo myB dismC#may IA find I'm just one of them B 'CausEe I'mB an alreadC#my but nAot yet resurrected fallen man B Come Ebreak this limbo EAnd IB know YoC#mu know just who I've been A CEome define me
Pre-chorus & Chorus Bridge:
ERumor has Dit You love me C#mRumor has Bit the world spins upside down ARumor has iBt my only hope is You G#mAnd the rumAors are true I turn everything over
then: E B C#m A [x2]
F#m WhaBt can we do G#m If the rumorsA are true'
Chorus aso.