Switchfoot - Dare you to move
bassver. 1
chords ver. 1
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chords ver. 5
chords ver. 6
chords ver. 7
tabs ver. 1
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tabs ver. 3
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tabs ver. 8
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tabs ver. 12
bass ver. 2
bass ver. 3
drum ver. 1
drum ver. 2
drum ver. 3
drum ver. 4
ukulele ver. 1
ukulele ver. 2
1 Column
Text size
Transpose 0
tabbed by jacob edwards---jacob_edwards72@hotmail.com
I Dare You To Move
> = note times 8
~ = let ring
Riff 1 0:39 0:53
Chorus "Dare you to move..." 1:00 to 1:27
Watch out for the second 2, it's played at an odd time
Verse 1:39 to 2:13
Back to Chorus 2:13 to 2:40
Interlude 2:40 to 3:09
Chorus2 3:22 to 4:07