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D This may never start AaddDWe could fall apartG And I'd be your memoDry
DLost your since of fear AaddDFeelings insincereG Can now be your memoDry Chorus:
DGet back, back Back to where we lGasted Just like I iBmmagined I could never fAeel this way DGet back, back Back to the dGisaster My heart's beating fBmaster Holding on to Afeel the same
Verse 2:
DThis may never start AaddDI'll tear us apartG Cannot be your eneDmy
DLosing half a year AaddDWaiting for you hearG I'd be your anythDing Repeat Chorus
DThis may never start AaddDTearing out my hearGt Can now be your memDory
DLost your since of fear AaddDFeelings insincereG Can now be your memDory
DThis may never start AaddD We could fall apart And I'd be your memDory
DLost your since of fear AaddDFeelings insincereG Can now be your memDory