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Intro: Em
You've Cgot the mouth of a she wolf Inside the Ammask of an innocent lamb You say your Emheart is all compassion Dsus2/F# G But there's just a flat line on your cardiogram
Yet you Amalways made a profit baby C If it was a famine or a feastEm
Yes, I'm the Csoul of indiscretion, I was Amcursed with x-ray vision, I could Emsee right through all the lies you told, Dsus2/F# G When you smiled for the television
And you can Amsee the coming battle C You pray the drums will never ceaseEm And you may Amwin this war that's comingC But would you tolerate the peace'Em
OoHooHoDooooHoGooHoCoooAmoo InDvesting in munitions And those Glittle cotton flags Invest in Cwooden caskets In guns and Ambody bags, guns and body bagsG Em
Your Cdaddy was a businessman And it Amalways made good sense You know the Emwar can make you rich my friend Dsus2/F# G In dollars, pounds and cents
In the Amtemple that was Mammon's C You were ordained the parish priestEm Yes you maAmy win this coming battle C But could you tolerate the peace'Em
OoHooHoDooooHoGooHoCoooAmoo OoHooHoDooooHoGooHoCoooAmoo InDvest in deadly weapons And those Glittle cotton flags Invest in Cwooden caskets In guns and Ambody bags You're Dinvested in oppression Investing Gin corruption Invest in every Ctyranny And the whole world's destrucAmtion G Em
I Gimagine there's a Emfuture When all the Gearthly wars are Emover You may Gfind yourself just Emstanding there On the Gwhite cliffs of EmDover
You may Gask, what does it Emprofit a man To gain the Gwhole world and suffer the Emloss of his soul' Is that your Gbody you see on the Emrocks below As the Gtide begins to Emroll'
And you Aminvested in this prison C From which you never got releasedEm You may have Amwon this war we're fighting C But would you tolerate the peace'D G C Am
OoHooHoDooooHoGooHoCoooAmoo There's a Dwar on our democracy A waGr on our dissent There's a war inside reCligion And what JCesus might have meant
DThere's a war on mother nature A Gwar upon the seas There's a war upon theC forests On the bCirds and the bees
DThere's a war on education A Gwar on information A war between the Csexes And Cevery nation
A Dwar on our compassion A war on understaGnding A war on love andC life itself It's war that they're demAmandingC Am C
G Em G Em
Make it Geasy on yourEmself And don't do GnothingEm
EADGBE Am....... -02210 C ....... -32010 D........ --0232 Dsus2/F#. 2-023- G........ 230033