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Cmaj7"Seven days" was all she wrote A kD#ind of ultiA#matum note She gGave to me, she gFave to me Fadd9
Cmaj7When I thought the field had cleared It sD#eems another sA#uit appeared To chGallenge me, wEoe is me
TCmaj7hough I hate to make a choice My oD#ptions are decA#reasing mostly rGapidly WFell we'll see Fadd9
Cmaj7I don't think she'd bluff this time I rD#eally have to mA#ake her mine It's pGlain to see It's hEim or me E7
MFmaj7onday, Fmaj7/F#I could wait till TGuesday If E7/G#I make up my mAmind WFmaj7ednesday would be fGine, TE7/G#hursday's on my mAmind
F#7-5/nr Am F#7-5/nrFriday give me time, Saturday could wait
But SFmunday'd be too lCmaj7ate
Cmaj7The fact he's over six feet ten Might D#instill fear in oA#ther men But nGot in me, The MFighty Flea (flee?) Fadd9
Cmaj7Ask if I am mouse or man The mD#irror squeaked, aA#way I ran He'll mGurder me in tEime for his tea
Cmaj7Does it bother me at all My rD#ival is NeA#anderthal it mGakes me think PerFhaps I need a drink Fadd9
Cmaj7IQ is no problem here We D#won't be playing scA#rabble for her hGand I fear I nEeed that beer E7
MFmaj7onday, Fmaj7/F#I could wait till TGuesday If E7/G#I make up my mAmind WFmaj7ednesday would be fGine, TE7/G#hursday's on my mAmind F#7-5/nr Am F#7-5/nrFriday give me time, Saturday could wait But SFmunday'd be too lCmaj7ate
A#Seven days will qCmaj7uickly go A#The fact remains, I lCmaj7ove her so A#Seven days,F so many ways A#But I can't run Cmaj7away
MFmaj7onday, Fmaj7/F#I could wait till TGuesday If E7/G#I make up my mAmind WFmaj7ednesday would be fGine, TE7/G#hursday's on my mAmind F#7-5/nr Am F#7-5/nrFriday give me time, Saturday could wait But SFmunday'd be too lCmaj7ate
Do I hCmaj7ave to tell a story A# Cmaj7, A# Of a thousand rainy days since we first met It's a Cmaj7big enough umbrella But it's A#always me that ends up getting Cmaj7wet A# C