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<> To: Subject: Russians/Sting Russians - Sting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In AmEurope Am7/Gand AmFM7erica there's a Dmgrowing feeling of E/G#histeriEa. ConAmditioned to respAm/Gond to aFM7ll the threats in the rhetDmorical speeches of the SE/G#ovietEs. Mr. CKrushchev said we will E/G#bury yEou, I Amdon't subscribe to this E/G#point of Eview. It would be Amsuch an Am/Gignorant FM7thing to do if the DmRussians E7love their children Amtoo.
How Amcan I Gsave my FM7little Emboy from AmOppenGheimer's FM7deadly Emtoy. There Amis no moGnopoly of FM7common Emsense on Ameither Gside of the poFM7litical Emfence. We Amshare the Gsame biFM7ologyEm, reAmgardless of GideFM7ologEmy. BeAmlieve me Gwhen I FM7say to Emyou, I Amhope the GRussians FM7love their Emchildren Amtoo.
There is no historical precedent, to put the words in the mouth of the president. There's no such thing as a winnable war, it's a lie we don't believe anymore Mr. Reagan says we will protect you I don't subscribe to this point of view. Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russian love their children too. We share the same biology, regardless of ideology. What might save us me and you, is that the Russians love their children too. -------------------------------------------------------- Rami Segal email :