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Capo: 1
Capo on 1st Intro: A F#m
AEarly one morning, with F#mtime to kill AI borrowed Jeb's rifle, and F#msat on the hill AI saw a lone rider, cF#mrossing the plane AI drew a beed on him, to F#mpractice my aim BmMy Brother's rifle went Eoff in my hand A shEot rang out acAross the land The Dhorse he kept running, the F#m7rider was dead AI hung my head, I F#mhung my head
AI set off running, to F#mwake from the dream AMy brother's rifle, went F#minto the stream AI kept on running, in-F#mto the salt lands AAnd that's where they found me, my F#mhead in my hands BmThe sheriff he asked me, wEhy had I run EThen it came to me, just Awhat I had done And Dall for no reason, just F#m7one piece of lead AI hung my head, I F#mhung my head
AHere in the courthouse, the F#mwhole town is there AI see the judge, high F#mup in his chair A"Explain to the courtroom, F#mwhat went through your mind AAnd we'll ask the jury, what F#mverdict they find" I said &Bmquot;I felt the powerE, of death over life I Eorphaned his children, I Awidowed his wife I Dbeg their forgiveness, I F#m7wish I was dead" AI hung my head, I F#mhung my head AI hung my head, I F#mhung my head
AEarly one morning, with F#mtime to kill AI see the gallows, up F#mon the hill AAnd out in the distance, a F#mtrick of the brain AI see a lone rider, crosF#msing the plain BmHe's come to fetch me, to Esee what they done EWe'll ride together, 'ATil kingdom come I Dpray for God's mercy, for F#m7soon I'll be dead AI hung my head, F#mI hung my head AI hung my head, F#mI hung my head AI hung my head, F#mI hung my head
Tabbed by JB Martin (