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AMYou've EMleft me Gnow and it's sCeasoned my Dsoul AMAnd with evEMery step you tCake, I watch aGnother part of you gDo...
I cAMontinue to bCuild a wGall... AMYou wereEM so stGrong, CI fell to my knDees... AMAnd I EMdon't think IC can handGle this at Call...
GOne more Cnight I'd like to lAMie and hEMold you DYes and feel... CTo make yGou smile, I'd like to EMbe there fAMor you-- Have you fCorgotten Dme?
GAnd thCe dayAMs go bDy GDoing Cnothing about tDhem...
GHow mCuch tDime AMwill I hCave to sDpend?
My miGnd won't rCest and ID don't sAMleep EMNot evCen in AMmy drDeams...
DIf you Cever dGid beEMlieve, for my saDke... DIf you eCver dGid bAMelieve....
CAnd the Gdays Dgo bEMy Doing noGthing aAMbout tChem... AMHow muGch tEMime Cwill I have to sDpend?