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Thoroughfare Gap chords Stephen Stills F F F G F F F G
FSometimes I Fconsider my Fpace, I'm reGminded of a Ftrain gathering Fspeed, for the Fclimb to the Gpass
In whose Fshadow it Fall really Flies, a small Gmetal Fwagon apFproaching, the Fever present ascending Grise; to the southern FmountainsF F G
FReeling and Fsnaking and Fleaping, it Gseems like it Fwants to come Floose, from its Fpath cast in Giron
But she Fcan't Fslow down Fnow, Gas the Fearth has Fpresented, a Fnew crest to Freach without Fbarely a Grest; from the Flast one F F G
And you Fwonder just Fwhat lies beFyond, Gthough you've Fbeen there beFfore, and forget about the Feffort and the Gstrain
FAlways asFcending, each Fyard adds a Gmile, to the Fnever-ending Fpull, of the Fsteepening Ggrade; that's beFfore youF F G F F F G
F F F G D valley, D forest, D desert, D stream,
with an Foversized Fbridge, for the Ftrickle there beGneath
You reFmember the Ftorrent, it Fturned to Glast spring, from the Fsnows melting Ffast and the Friver it beGcame; in the FsummerF F G
PerFhaps it is Fruined, from a Ffire that has Gscorched it, so Fbadly that Fnothing will Fgrow without Grain
To Fwash away the Fblackened soil, now Fuseless till Gcalled upon aFgain, in a Ffuture as Ftwisted and Gfar away; as the next range of FmountainFs F G
So Ftake it as Ffar as you Fsee and beGyond, with Feyes you don't Fuse enough, Fgather up Gstrength
As FThoroughfare FGap, will aFwait you forGever, you're Fseeking to Fget there for Feven beGfore; it's no Fmatter; no Gdistance; it's the FrideF F Csus4 F