Steeleye Span - Seven hundred elves
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Capo: 1
Capo 1
Chorus x 1
GSeven hundred Delves from Aout the Emwood
GFoul and Dgrim they AwereEm
GDown to the Dfarmer's Ahouse they Emwent
His Gmeat and Ddrink to AshareEm
There Gwas a Dfarmer Ain the Emwest and Gthere he Dchose his AgroundEm
He Gthought to Dspend the Awinter Emthere and Gbrought his Dhawk and AhoundEm
He Gbrought with Dhim both Ahound and Emcock Galone he Dbegged to AstayEm
And Gall the Ddeer that Aroamed the Emwood had Gcause to Drue the AdayEm
He Gfelled the Doak, he Afelled the Embirch, the Gbeech nor Dpoplar AsparedEm
And Gmuch was Dgrieved the Asullen Emelves at Gwhat the Dstranger AdaredEm
He Ghewed him Dbaulks and he Ahewed him Embeams with Geager Dtoil and AhasteEm
Then Gup and Dspake the Awoodland Emelves: ``Who's Gcome our Dwood to Awaste?Em’'
Chorus x 2
UGp and Dspake the Abiggest Emelf and Ggrimly Drolled his AeyesEm:
"We'll Gmarch Dupon the Afarmer's Emhouse and Ghold on Dhim AassizeEm
He's Gknocking Ddown both Awood and Embower, he Gshows us Dgreat AdistainEm
We'll Gmake him Drue the Aday he was Emborn and Gtaste of Dshame and Apain.Em’'
Chorus x 1
GAll the Delves from Aout the Emwood bGegan to Ddance and AspringEm
And Gmarched towards Dthe Afarmer's Emhouse their Glengthy Dtails to AswingEm
The Gfarmer Dfrom his Awindow Emlooked and Gquickly Dcrossed his AbreastEm
"Oh Gwoe is Dme,'' the Afarmer Emcried, "The Gelves will Dbe my Aguests.Em’'
In Gevery Dnook he Amade a Emcross and Gall Dabout the AroomEm
And Goff flew Dmany a Afrightened Emelf Gback to his Dforest AgloomEm
Some Gflew to the Deast, some Aflew to the Emwest, some Gflew to the Dnorth AawayEm
And Gsome flew Ddown the Adeep Emravine and Gthere Dforever AstayEm
Chorus x 3