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Capo: 3
Artist: Snow Patrol Song: How to be dead Album: Final Straw CAPO 3 Intro: D F#m G E7
PleDase dont go crazy if i teF#mll you the truth you dGont know what happened and you E7never will if YoDu dont listen to me while i F#mtalk to the wall This blGanket is freezing its been E7out in the hall While you've hDad me for hours until i'm suF#mre what i want But darling i wGant the same thing that i wE7anted before so sweetheart tDell me whats up I wont Gstop no wDay PlDease keep your hands down and stop raF#mising your voice It's hardly wGhat i'd be doing if you gE7ave me a choice It's a siDmple suggestion can you gF#mive me some time So just say Gyes or no why cant you shoE7ulder the blame cause both my shoDulders are heavy from the weF#might of us both Your a bGig boy now so lets not E7talk about growth You've not heard a siDngle word i have sGaid Oh my DGod
D F#m G E X3 D G D
PDlease take it easy it can aF#mll be my fault I haven't mGade half the mistakes that you've liE7sted so far baby lDet me explain something it's aF#mll down to drugs at least i rGemember taking them and E7not a lot else it seems i've sDtepped over lines you've drawn aF#mgain and again but if the ecsGtasy's in the wit is dEefinatly out Dr JeDkyll is wrestling GHyde For my prDide