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“Ghostdancing” by Simple Minds --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to kenykali for suggesting this tab Here’s my Ghostdancing tab! Enjoy it! :) E.mail me for anything, please: Intro and Main Riff: D, D#, C, G, D
DCities, buildings falling down D#Satellites come crashing down C G D I see them fDalling out the skies like eagles D#All mirrored glass and shattered egCos G D But in a Dcorner of the world we'd meet to lD#augh and drink and plan our sequCelsG D 'Cause in the aDlleyways and bars downtown They're singing uD#p from here to there caCn we Ggo D This ciDty comes alive at night, see these cD#ity walls are heCavinGg D And if these Dold city walls should crash, amid the rD#ubble you'd find us breaCthinGg D
DCome say what you see in meC G'Cause boy, DI believe in youC GCome say what you're sDeeing CAll gone jGust ghost dDancing, gCoing alGl the way throughD
DYou talk about the Lebanon D#You tell me 'bout the Dawn in EdenC G D
DYou talk about South Africa D#I tell you about the Irish childrCen G D You say oDne more Polish Knight could come and D#blow away the doors to FreedCom G D And if MDother Ethiopia could bD#low away the tears that we see rCun G D
DOh blow them Dmaway, CBlow, blow awaFy G GWe Will blow them Dmaway COh blow, blow awFay G GBlow, blow aDmway CBlow, blow aFway G
GCome say what you Dsee in me C G'Cause boy, DI believe in youC GCome say what you're sDeeing CAll gone jGust ghost dDancing, gCoing alGl the way throughD
Cgoing aGll the way througDh (X2) Interlude: D
D You know I belD#ieve in you G Oh yes I bDelieve, you know I bD#elieve in you You say you Gbelieve I beClieve, I belieGve, going all the way Dthrough, yeah Cgoing all the wGay thrDough, yeah Cgoing all the wGay thrDough, yeah
CCome take mGe back hoDme, Ccome on and take mGe away D
Interlude: D, D#, C, G, D Ghost Dancing Repeat Interlude.
DThe car pulled up, D#the girl she jumped in CThe boy he wore a Gmedal that was Dshining from his skin DWith the windows pulled up, D#their radio tuned in CShe's hitting from the sGtars, he's hiDtting for the moon DShe said, one last kiss while you look D#across the Land CMove it into ovGerdrive and takDe me by my hand DWhen the car broke, tD#he rebels saw smoke Cand they all went to Gheaven in a Dstupid fantasy, go
Dm, C, F, G Take me away