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Intro: F Gm Gm F
I Fcan hear the sDmoft breathing ofBb the girl thaAmt I love, As she lFies here besGmide me aslCeep with the night, And her hFair, in a fDmine mist flBboats on my pAmillow, ReflFecting the gGmlow of the wBbintCer moonliFght.
F Gm Gm F
She is sFoft, she is wDmarm, but my Bbheart remains heAmavy, And I waFtch as her brGmeasts gently rCise, gently fall, For I kFnow with the fiDmrst light of dBbawn I'll be lAmeaving, And toniFght will be Gmall I have lBbeft to recaFll.
F Gm Gm F
Oh, wFhat have I dDmone, wBbhy have I dAmone it, I've commFitted a cGmrime, I've bCroken the law, For tweFnty-five dDmollars and pBbieces of Amsilver, I heFld up and rGmobbed a hBbard liquor sFtore.
F Gm Gm F
My lFife seems unrDmeal, my cBbrime an ilAmlusion, A scFene badly wGmritten in wChich I must play, Yet I kFnow as I gDmaze at my yBboung love besAmide me, The moFrning is jGmust a few BbhouCrs aFway.
Outro: F Gm Gm F