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[Verse 1] CAPO: 6
AmHello darkness, my old frGiend, I've come to talk with you Amagain, Because a vision sFoftly Ccreeping, Left its Amseeds while I wFas sleCeping, And the vFision that was planted in my braCin Still rAmemains Within the soGund of sAmilence.
[Verse 2]
IAmn restless dreams I walked aGlone Narrow streets of cobbleAmstone, 'AmNeath the halo of aF street lCamp, I turned my coAmllar to the cFold and dCamp When my Feyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon lCight That split the Amnight And touched the Gsound of Amsilence.
[Verse 3]
AmAnd in the naked light I saGw Ten thousand people, maybe Ammore. AmPeople talking witFhout speCaking, AmPeople hearing withoutF listeniCng, People writing soFngs that voices never shCare And no one Amdare Disturb the sGound of sAmilence.
[Verse 4]
AmFools said I, you do not knGow Silence like a cancer Amgrows. AmHear my words that I miFght teach yCou, AmTake my arms that I miFght reach yoCu. But my woFrds like silent raindrops fCell, And ecAmhoed In the Gwells of Amsilence
[Verse 5]
AmAnd the people bowed and pGrayed To the neon God they Ammade. Am And the sign flashed out iFts warnCing, AmIn the words that it waFs formCing. And the sAmign said, the woFrds of the prophets Are writFten on the subway walCls And tenement haAmlls. And whispered in the sGounds of sAmilence.