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SAmaj7omeone told me it's all happening A7at the Zoo DI do belD7ieve it GI do bDelA7ieve it's true hGm D7, G, H7hm Emi7 , H7 , Emi , GhmD7, G, H7hm Emi7 , H7, Emi Hmi7it's a lGight and tumble jEmiourney frHmi7om the GEast Side to the pHmi7 , Emiark jHmi7ust a fGine and fHmiancy rEmiamble to the ZHmi7 , D, D7oo bGut you can take thH7e crEmi7osstown bus Hmi7if it's rGaining or H7it's cEmiold Hmi7and the Ganimals wH7ill lEmiove it Hmi7if you dA6o if you dEmi o A6oo Emioo sAmaj7omethin' tells me it's all happening A7at the Zoo DI do belD7ieve it GI do bDelGmiieve it's trHmi7ue hGm D7, G, H7hm Emi7 , H7 , Emi , GhmD7, G, H7hm Emi7 , H7, Emi
thD7e mGonkeys stand fH7or hEmionesty gHmi7iraffGes are H7insincEmi11ere Emiand thHmi7 e Gelephants H7are kEmiindly but thHmi7ey're dDumbD7 Gorangutans H7are skEmieptical Hmi7of chGanges in thH7eir cEmiages and thHmi7 e z Gookeeper H7is vEmiery fond Hmi7of r GumEmi , Hmi7 zGebras are rH7eacEmitionariHmi7es Gantelopes H7are mEmiissionarHmi7ies pGigeons plot H7in sEmiecrecHmi7y and hGamsters turn H7on frEmiequently what a gGas! You gotta cEmiome and see at the ZGooH7, Emi at the Z GooH7, Emi at the Z GooH7, Emi at the ZGooH7, Emi at the Z GooH7, Emi at the Z GooH7 ..Emi.