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[Intro] F Em Fmaj7 E Am F Em F Fmaj7 F [Verse 1]
CWi' my dog and Amgun, Gthrough the bloomin' FheathEmer For Cgame and AmpleasurGe I took my Fway I met a Emmaid, Fshe was tall and CslendAmer Her Feyes enEmticed Fme some time to Cstay
[Verse 2]
CI said "Fair Ammaid, Gdo you know I Flove Emyou? ะก Am G F Tell me your name and your dwelling, oh so?" "Oh, excuse my Emname, Fbut you'll find my CdwelliAmng By the Fmountain Emstreams Fwhere the moorcocks Ccrow."
[Verse 3]
CI said "Fair Ammaid, Gif you wed a FfarmEmer You'll be Ctied for Amlife Gtae one plot of Fland I'm a rovin' JohnEmny, if Fyou gone Cwi'Am me You will Fhave no Emties, Fso gi' me your Chand."
[Verse 4]
C"Ah, but if my Amparents Gknew I loved a FrovEmer It is Cthat I'm Amsure would Gbe my overtFhrow So I'll stay at hEmome Ffor another CseaAmson By the Fmountain Emstreams Fwhere the moorcocks Ccrow."
[Verse 5]
C"So it's fare thee Amwell, Glove, another FseaEmson We will Cmeet agAmain Gin yon woodland Fvale And I'll set you Emdown Fall upon my Cknee, Amlove And I'lFl listen Emto Fyour lovesick Ctale
[Verse 6]
C"And it's arm in Amarm Gwe will go togFethEmer Through the Clofty Amtrees, Gin the valley beFlow Where the lenties Emsing Ftheir song so CsweetAmly By the Fmountain Emstreams Fwhere the moorcocks Ccrow."