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Tuning: E A D G B E
How often Ghaunting the highest Dhilltops I scan the Emocean i sail tae Bmsea Wilt come tonCight love wilt come GtomorDrow Wilt ever cEmome love to Dcomfort Cme?
Fhear a Gbhata no horo Deil'e Fhear a Embhata no horo Bmeil'e Fhear a Cbhata no horo Geil'De Oh fare thee Emwell love where De'er you Cbe
They call thee Gfickle they call thee Dfalse one And seek tae Emchange me but all in Bmvain For thou art my Cdream a through the Gdark Dnight And every Emmorning I Dwatch the Cwind
Fear a Gbhata no horo Deil'e... There's not a Ghamlet too well I Dknow it Where you go Emwandering or set a Bmwhile But all its Cold folks you win wi' GtalkDing And charm it's Emmaidens with Dsong and Csmile
Fhear a Gbhata no horo Deil'e... Dost thou reGmember the promise Dmade me The tartan Emplaidie the silken Bmgown The ring of Cgold with thy hair and GporDtrait? That gown and Emring I will Dnever Cknow
Fhear a Gbhata no horo Deil'e...