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Title : A Twist On My Story
Artist : Secondhand Serenade
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*I Love You Jennifer.......
1. Like a Knife
2. Fall for You
3. Maybe
4. Stranger
5. Your Call
6. Suppose
7. Twist in My Story
8. Why
9. Stay Close, Don't Go
10. Pretend
11. Goodbye
1.) Like a Knife
Intro: E – B- C#m - A
I C#mdream a lot, I know you say
I’vAe got to get away
The Eworld is not yours for the taking
Is Ball you ever say
I C#mknow I’m not the best for you
But Apromise that you’ll stay
Cause if I Ewatch you go
You’ll see me wasting
You’lBl see me wasting away
‘Cause Etoday
You walked out of my lBife
‘CauseC#m today
Your words felt like a knAife
C#m – A – E - B
I’m not living this life
GooC#mdbyes are meant for lonely people
AStanding in the rain
And no Ematter where I go
It’s alwayBs pouring all the same
TheseC#m streets are filled with memories
Both Aperfect and in pain
And all I Ewanna do is love you
But I’m thBe only one to blame
But what do BI know if you’re leaving
All you did was stop the bleeding
But theseC#m scars will stay forever
These scars will stay forever
And these Bwords they have no meaning
If we cannot find the feeling
That we Aheld on to together
Try your hardest to remember
EStay with me
Or Bwatch me bleed
IC#m need you just to Abreathe
End: E – B – C#m – A - E
2.) Fall For You
Verse 1:
The Ambest thing about tonight’s that we’re Fnot fighting
It couldn’Ct be that we have been this way Gbefore
I Amknow you don’t think that I aFm trying
I Cknow you’re wearing thin down to thGe cor
But Fhold your Gbreath
Because toCnight will be the night that I will Amfall for you
Over agFain
Don’t make me change Gmy mind
I won’Ct live to see another day
I Amswear its true
Because a Fgirl like you is impossible to Gfind
You’re impossible toAm fiFndC G
Verse 2:
Am This is not what I inFtended
I always Cswore to you that I would never fall apGart
YAmou always thought that I was sFtronger
I may have fCailed
But I have loved you from the staGrt
Oh, But Fhold your Gbreath
Because toCnight will be the night that I will Amfall for you
Over agFain
Don’t make me change Gmy mind
I won’Ct live to see another day
I Amswear its true
Because a Fgirl like you is impossible to Gfind
It's impossible
So Ambreathe Fin so dCeep
BrGeathe me Amin
I’Fm yours toC keep
And Ghold onto your wAmords
‘CausFe talk is Ccheap
And reGmember me toFnight
When you’re asleep
Because toCnight will be the night that I will Amfall for you
Over agFain
Don’t make me change Gmy mind
Or I won’Ct live to see another day
I Amswear its true
Because a Fgirl like you is impossible to Gfind
ToCnight will be the night that I will Amfall for you
Over agFain
Don’t make me change Gmy mind
I won’Ct live to see another day
I Amswear it’s true
Because a Fgirl like you is impossible to Gfind
You’re impossible to find
3.) Maybe
ADidn't you want to hEear
the sound of all the pA7laces we could go
Do you fAbear
the expressions on the fAaces we don't know
EIt's a cold hard road when you wake up
and I don'tAb think that I
Have the stA7rength to let you Ago
Chorus: E-Ab-A7-A
Maybe it's jEust me, Couldn't you beAblieve
that everything I sA7aid and did, wasn't just dAeceiving
And the tear in your Eeye, and your calm hard Abface
makes me wish that A7I was never broAbught into this plAace
There goes myE ring
It might as well have been sA7hattered
and I'm here to sAbing
about tAhe things that mattered
about the things thEat made us feel alive for oh so long
Ababout the things that keptA7 you on my side when I wAas wrong
Chorus: E-Ab-A7-A
Maybe it's jEust me, Couldn't you beAblieve
that everything I sA7aid and did, wasn't just dAeceiving
And the tear in your Eeye, and your calm hard Abface
makes me wish that A7I was never broAbught into this plAace
And someday, A7I promise AbI'll be gonAe
And someday, A7I might evAben sing this Asong
To you, A7I might eAbven sing this sonAg, to you
and I Ewas crying alone toAbnight
and I was wasting all of myE life just thinking of you
SoA7 just come back we'll make it Abbetter
So Just come back IA'll make it
A7better than it eveAbr was x2 A
Chorus: E-Ab-A7-A
Maybe it's jEust me, Couldn't you beAblieve
that everything I sA7aid and did, wasn't just dAeceiving
And the tear in your Eeye, and your calm hard Abface
makes me wish that A7I was never broAbught into this plAace
Maybe it's jEust me, Couldn't you beAblieve
that everything I sA7aid and did, wasn't just dAeceiving
And the tear in your Eeye, and your calm hard Abface
makes me wish that A7I was never broAbught into this plAace
(end on) E
Maybe it's just me..
4.) Stranger
Verse 1:
Cturn around
Cturn around and fix your Feye in my direction
so tFhere is a connection
Ci can speak
Ci can make a sound to somehow Fcapture your attention
i'm sFtaring at perfectioDmn
take a look at me so yGou can see
Cyou call me a strangGer
you say i'm aDm danger
but all these thoughts aFre leaving Gyou tonighCt
i'm broken and beGnded
you are an Dmangel
making all my Fdreams come tGrue tonight
verse 2:
Ci'm confident
Cbut i can't pretend
i wasn't Fterrified to meet you
Fi knew you could see right through me
Ci saw my light flash right before my very eyes
and i need jFust what we turn into
Fi was hoping that you couldDm see
take a look at me so Gyou can see
(repeat chorus)
Fyou are aGn angelF
making all my dGreams come true tonight
Ctake a look at me so you can see how beautiful you Fare...
take a look at me so Gyou can see how beautiful you arCe... (2x)
Cyour beauty seems so Gfar away
i'll have to Fwrite a thousand songs to make you Gcomprehend
how beautiful you arCe
i know that i can't Gmake you stay
but i will Fgive my final breath
to make you undersGtand
how beautiful you aFre
understand how beautiful you aGre..
repeat chorus
Cyou call me a strangGer..
you say i'm a dangFer
Cyou call me a stranGge
5.) Your Call
-Verse 1-
GC Waiting for yourD call, I'm siEmck, call I'm angry
call I'm dCesperate for your vDoice
listenEming to the song we used to sCing
In the cDar, do you remEmember
Butterfly, Early SumCmer
- Em-D-C
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we wouldC meet D
Em -Chorus-I was Gbo
Stay with me tonight
-Verse 2-
rnD to tell you I lEmove you C and I am Gto-
rnD to do what I hEmave to, to mCake you mineC Stripped and pollDished, I am Emnew, I am fresh
I am feeCling so ambDitious, you and Emme, flesh to flesh
Because every brCeath that you will tDake
while you are siEmtting next to me
will bring liCfe into my deeDpest hopes, EmWhat's your fantasy?
What's yoCur....(What's yoDur, What's yEmour..) What's your..
I was Gbo
Stay with me tonight
rnD to tell you I lEmove you C and I am Gto-
rnD to do what I hEmave to, to mCake you mineAnd I'mD tired of being Call alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to
come back hDome x4
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have) x2
I was Gbo
rnD to tell you I lEmove you C and I am Gto-
rnD to do what I hEmave to CI was Gbo
C C C (Let it ring out)
To make you mine, Stay with me tonight...
rnD to tell you I lEmove you C and I am Gto-
rnD to do what I hEmave to x2G#SuppBbose that I Cmmissed yG#ou
SuppBbose that I Cmcare
G# Bb Eb - Eb/D - Cm
And suppose that I spent all my nights running scared
And supG#pose
That BbI was never there
In my Cmeyes I'm G#screaming Ebfor a sight of Bbyou
Cm (Bb) G# Eb Bb
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through
And I G#can't hold on to Bbyou
So I Cmguess I'll be Bblonely G#too
G#SuppBbose we were Cmhappy G#
SuppBbose it was Cmtrue
G# Bb Eb - Eb/D - Cm
And suppose there were cold nights but we found that waiting through
And supG#pose that I'm Bbnothing without you
My Cmeyes I'm G#screaming Ebfor a sight of Bbyou
Cm (Bb) G# Eb Bb
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through
And I G#can't hold on to Bbyou
So I Cmguess I'll be Bblonely G#too
FmSlow way doG#wn
This break downs Cmeating Bbme aG#live
Fm (pause) G5 - G#
And I'm tired
This fire's Cmfighting tBbo surG#vive
Tell me a Ebsecret (I want it)
Tell me a Cmstory (I need it)
I'll listen Bbintensively
I'll G#stay
all Cmnight All of me is a Ebwhisper (So don't leave)There's nothing left Cmin me (Please help me)
Not even my Bbbody is G#stro
ng eBbnough-
to Cmfight (Let's make this right)Please G#help
me Cmmake-
this BbrightG#SuppBbose that I Cmwas wrong G#
SuppBbose you were Cmhere
G# Bb Eb - Eb/D-Cm
And suppose that I reached out and caught your tears
And supG#pose this Bbfight just dissapeared
In my Cmeyes I'm G#screaming Ebfor a sight of Bbyou
Cm (Bb) G# Eb Bb
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through
And I G#can't hold on to Bbyou
So I Cmguess I'll be Bblonely G#too
But I'd Cmrather be Bbhere with G#you
7.) A Twist On My Story
Intro: A - G# - E
GSlow down, the world isn’t watching uGs break down
It’s safe to say we arG2e alone now, we??C?re alone now
Not a Gwhisper, the only noise is the Greceiver
I’m counting the secondsG2 until you break the silence
So Cplease just break the silence
The Awhispers turn to shouting
The G#shouting turns to tears
Your Gtears turn into laughter
And it Etakes away our fears
So youG see, this world doesn’G/Bt matter tEo me
I’ll give up all I had just tAo breathe
The Csame air as you till the Eday that I die
I G#can’t take my eyes off of yAou
I’m feeling inspired
E And I’Gm longing, for words to describe how I?G??m feelingMy G2world just flip turned upside down
It Cturns around, say what’s that sound
It’s my heart beat, it’s getting much louder
My heart beat, is louder than ever
I’G2m feeling alive, I?C??m feeling alive
My Awhispers turn to shouting
The G#shouting turns to tears
Your Gtears turn into laughter
And it Etakes away our fears
So you Gsee, this world doesn’G/Bt matter tEo me
I’ll give up all I had just tAo breathe
The Csame air as you till the Eday that I die
I G#can’t take my eyes off oGf you
I’m finally waking Eup, a twist in my storGy
It’s time I open G#up, and let your love right through mAe
I’m finally waking Eup, a twist in my storGy
It’s time I open G#up, and let your love right through mEe
That’s what you G#get,
when you Asee your life in Csomeone G#else’Es eyes
That’s what yoG#u get, that’s whatA you geCt
So you Gsee, this world doesn’G/Bt matter tEo me
I’ll give up all G#I had just tAo breathe
The Csame air as you till the Eday that I die
I G#can’t take my eyes off oGf you
This world doesn’G/Bt matter tEo me
I’ll give up all G#I had just tAo breathe
The Csame air as you till the Eday that I die
I G#can’t take my eyes off of Ayo
8.) Why
Intro: G
u G#-
EThe buttons on my phone are Cworn thDin
GI don't think that I knew the chaos CI was getting Din.
But I've bEroken all myD promises to Cyou
EI've broken all my Dpromises tCo you. D
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
GWhy do you Cdo this Eso easiDly?
GYou make it hard to smiCle because
You Emake it hard to bDreathe
GWhy do you Cdo this Eto meD?
ETo Dme..
GA phrasing that's a single tear,
CIis harder thanD I ever feared
GAnd you were left feeling so aloCne. D
BeEcause these days Daren't easy
Like they hCave been once Dbefore
EThese days arDen't easy Canymore. D
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
GWhy do you Cdo this Eso easiDly?
GYou make it hard to smiCle because
You Emake it hard to bDreathe
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
ETo Dme, tEo mDe, Eto mDe..
GI should've known this wasn't real
DAnd fought it off and fought to feel
EWhat matters most? Everything
CThat you feel while listening to eveGry word that I sing.
DI promise you I will bring yoEu home
I will bring Cyou home.
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
GWhy do you Cdo this Eso easiDly?
GYou make it hard to smiCle because
You Emake it hard to bDreathe
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
ETo mDe..
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
GWhy do you Cdo this Eso easiDly?
GYou make it hard to smiCle because
You Emake it hard to bDreathe
GWhy do you Cdo this to mEe? D
ETo Dme, tEo mDe, Eto mDe..
9.) Stay Close, Don't Go
Capo on the 3rd Fret
Verse 1
CI'm staring at the glass in front oAmf me,
isG it half empty have i ruined all yoFu've given me?
CI know I've been selfiAmsh,
I know I've been foolGish,
but look through thFat
and you will Amsee,
I'll do bettCer, I know,
GBaby, I can do betFter.
CIf you leave me tonGight, I'll wakeAm up alone,
Amdon't tell me IF will make it on myG own,
Cdon’t leave me toGnight,
this heart of stone Amwill sing till it Gdies
if yFou leave me toCnight.
Verse 2
CSometimes I stare at you while yoAmu are sleeping,
I listen to yourG breathing,
amazed how I soFmehow managed to
Csweep you off your feet giAmrl,
your perfectG little feet girl
FI took for granted what you do.
GBut I'll do Ambetter, I kGnow
Baby, FI can do better.
Chorus 2:
CIf you leave me tGonight, I'll waAmke up alone,
don't tell Fme I will make Git on my own,
Cdon’t leave meG tonight,
this heartAm of stone will singG till it dies
if Fyou leave me tonight.
FAnd don't you know my heaCrt is oAmpen, oh,
it's putting up the fiFght,
and IC've got this feeAmling,
that everytFhing's alright,
and donC't you see,
I'm not the onlyG one for you
Cbut you're the only Fone for me.
CIf you leave me tonighGt I'll wakAme upF aGlone,
CIf you leave me tonGight, I'll wAmake up alone,
don't tell me I Fwill make it onG my own,
Cdon’t leave me Gtonight,
this heart of stone Amwill sing tilGl it dies
ifF you leave me tonight.
10.) Pretend
Capo-II (2)
Intro: G – G2 - Em9 – C9 - G - D
It Gseems all of these words
G2Couldn’t bEm9e further from
The C9truth, how did I Gget here
What did ID do
Your Geyes, telling me lies
And G2making me Em9fight myself
While C9you have your aGgenda
A life to pDursue
So C9please
Let me be Gfree, from Em9you.
And C9please, let me be Gfree
D G – G2 - C9 – Em9 – C9 – G - D
I can face the truth.
I’Gm blind to all of your colors
That G2used to be Em9rainbow then
My C9eyes, where did they Ggo to
Why disDappear
It’Gs hard to be all alone
G2I never Em9got through your
DisC9guise, I guess I'll just Ggo
And face all myD fears
GPut dowC9n your worDld
Just for one night
GPick meC9 agaDin
11.) Goodbye
tuning half step down
Intro: E - C#m - A - E-B
It's a Eshame that it had to be this C#mway
It's not enough to say I'm Asorry
It's not enough to say I'm Eso
rrByMaybe I'm to Eblame
Or maybe were the C#msame
But either way I Acan't breathe
Either way I Ecan
't BbreatheAll AI Bhad to say is goodC#mbye
We're Ebetter off this Away
B C#m E (harmonics)
We're better off this way
I'm aElive but I'm losing all my C#mdrive
Cause everything were Abeen through
And everything aEbou
t yBou Seemed to be a ElieA guiltless twisted C#mlie
It made me learn to Ahate you
Or hate myself for Eletting
it pass BbyAll AI Bhad to say is goodC#mbye
We're Ebetter off this Away
We're Bbetter off this C#mway E
All AI Bhad to say is goodC#mbye
We're Ebetter off this Away
We're Bbetter off this C#mway E
And Aevery, Beverything isn't C#monly
EWhat it seemed so Ahold these
BWords that you never C#mtold me
Its Etime to say goodAbye
Its Btime to say goodC#mbye
E - Eb/E A B
Its time to say goodbye
GoodC#mbye E
Interlude: E - A - E-B-E x3
E - C#m - A - E-B x2
ETake my hand aC#mway
Spell it out
ATell me I was wrong
ETell me I was Bwrong
ETake my hand aC#mway
Spell it out
ATell me I was wrong
ETell me I was Bwrong
ETake my hand aC#mway
Spell it out
ATell me I was wrong
ETell me I was Bwrong
ETake my hand aC#mway
Spell it out
ATell me I was wrong
ETell me I was Bwrong
/ RoCk En RoLL \
* I Love You Jennifer..........