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Spend all your time wEmaitin' For that seGcond chance For a breaDk that would maGke it okAay There's always some reEmason To feel nGot good enough And it's hDard at the Gend of the dayA I need some distraEmction Oh beaGutiful release MDemories sGeep from my vAeins Let me be emEmpty and weighGtless And maybe I'll fiDnd some peace toAnight
In the aDrms of the angel Fly awAay from here From this dGark cold hotel room And the eDndlessness that you fAear You are puDlled from the wreckage Of your siAlent reverie You're in the arGms of the angel DGA May you find some comfort hDere
So tired of the strEmaight line And ev'Grywhere you turn There's vuDltures and thiGeves at your bAack Storm keeps on twEmistin' keep on buiGlding the lies That you mDake up for Gall that you lAack It don't make no difEmference EscapingG one last time It's eDasierG to belieAve in this sweet madEmness Oh this gloGrious sadness that bDrings me to my kAnees