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Ryan Cabrera- You Can Call Me Al One of his cover songs
FA man walks dGown the street, he saysF why am I sGoft in the middle now, Fwhy am I sGoft in the middle, Fthe rest of my lGife is so hard, FI need a phGoto-opportunity, FI want a shot at redGemption, Fdont want to end up a cGartoon, in aF cartoon grGaveyard, bFonedigger, bGonedigger, Fdogs in the moGonlight, Ffar awGay my wFell-lit dGoor, Mr. BFeerbelly, BGeerbelly, gFet these mutts awGay from me, you knFow I don't fGind this stuff amFusing anymGore.
FIf youll be my bGodyguard FI can be your lGong lFost pGal, F G FI can call you BGetty, and BFetty when you cGall me you can cFall me Al. G F G
A man walks down the street, he says why am I short of attention, got a short little span of attention, and wo my nights are so long, wheres my wife and family, what if I die here, wholl be my role-model, now that my role-model is gone, gone, he ducked back down the alley with some roly-poly little bat-faced girl, all along, along there were incidents and accidents, there were hints and allegations. If youll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal, I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me
you can cFall mGe AFl, G call me FAl. G F G
A man walks down the street, its a street in a strange world, maybe its the Third World, maybe its his first time around, he doesnt speak the language, he holds no currency, he is a foreign man, he is surrounded by the sound, the sound, cattle in the marketplace, scatterlings and orphanages, he looks around, around, he sees angels in the architecture, spinning in infinity, he says Amen and Hallelujah! If you'll be my bodyguard... That's all folks and wat up to my Gregger Bailey!