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This is a great song and it's pretty easy too. I'm not sure if the chords are exact
but it's how I play it and it still sounds really good. Usually I throw a capo on so
I can sing with it but do whatever you want.
D Today it Arained in DL.A.
ASmog's been Dbeaten Adown for Dawhile A
D Drove up a Ahill where DI could Afeel the Docean...
And Asee for Dmiles A
F#m Feels like the Dtop of the Aworld
Right Ehere the F#mworld's aDll mine A
E Here I Bmlie-----Die watching the Asus2cars on Athe highEway
You're one of those Bmli-----Dghts that'sAsus2 drivinAg awEay
I'm standing in the Bmdark wondering where you Dare
I'm leaving my Aheart Ehere in Echo PDark.A D A D A D A