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Capo: 2
Capo 2 the last line of the chorus is a walk down with the ring finger from the 3rd to second fret on the a string, then finish with the a chord.
DRiding on the ACity of DNew Orleans BmIllinois Central GMonday morning Drail A DFifteen cars and Afifteen restless Driders BmThree conductors and Atwenty-five sacks of Dmail.
All aBmlong the south bound odyssey, the F#mtrain pulls out of Kenkakee ARolls along past houses farms and Efields BmPassing trains that have no name, F#mfreight yards of old black men And Agraveyards of A7rusted automoDbiles.
GGood morning AAmerica, how Dare you? Say, Bmdon't you know me, GI'm your native Dson. A7I'm the Dtrain they call the ACity of BmNew OrleansE7 I'll be Cgone five Ghundred Amiles when the day is Ddone.
Dealing Dcard games with the Aold men in the Dclub car BmPenny a point ain't Gno one keeping DscoreA DPass the paper bag but Ahold the Dbottle BmFeel the wheels Arumbling 'neath the Dfloor
And the Bmsons of Pullman porters and the F#msons of engineers ARide their father's magic carpets made of Esteel BmMother with her babes asleep F#mrocking to the gentle beat And the Arhythm of the A7rails is all they Dfeel.
GGood morning AAmerica, how Dare you? Say, Bmdon't you know me, GI'm your native Dson. A7I'm the Dtrain they call the ACity of BmNew OrleansE7 I'll be Cgone five Ghundred Amiles when the day is Ddone.
DNight time on the ACity of DNew Orleans BmChanging cars in GMemphis TennesDsee A DHalfway home Awe'll be there by Dmorning through the BmMississippi darkness Arolling down to the Dsea.
But Bmall the towns and people seem to F#mfade into a dark dream And the Asteel rail still ain't heard the Enews The Bmconductor sings his songs again, the F#mpassengers will please refrain This Atrain got the disapA7pearing railroad Dblues.
GGood morning AAmerica, how Dare you? Say, Bmdon't you know me, GI'm your native Dson. A7I'm the Dtrain they call the ACity of BmNew OrleansE7 I'll be Cgone five Ghundred Amiles when the day is Ddone.