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Sylvia Plath - Gold personaly i think this is very accurate. it also sounds good on a piano if u wan't to try that out.(as the original is played on a piano) enjoy! inro - C G F X4
v1 I Cwish i Ghad a FSylvia PLath, Cbusted Gtooth and a Fsmile, CCigarette Gashes Fin her drink, the Ckind that goes Gout then Fsleeps for a week, The Ckind that goes Gout on her Fown, to Cgive me a Greason for Fwell i don't know,
Chorus And maybe she'd take me to CFrance or maybe to Spain, She'd ask me to dance in a Fmansion on the top of the Chill,
She'd ash on the carpet slip me a pill and she'd,
Fget me pretty loaded on Cgin, And maybe she'd give me a bath, How i Fwish i had a Sylvia GPlath,
Intro - X2
V2 CShe and Gi would Fsleep on a boat, and Cswim in the Gsea without Fclothes, With Crain falling Gfast on the Fsea, she'd be Cswimming aGway she'd be Fwinking at me, CTelling me Git would Fall be ok, then Con the hoGrizon and Ffading away, And i'd Cswim to the Gboat and i'd Flaugh Gota get me a Sylvia GPlath,
Chorus Its a realy nice song hope you enjoy!!! Tabbed by eddie barber