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Piano The chords are "inverted". Thats what I call it. On the Piano the specfic notes that make up the chord: A#m9 = G# A# C# C# = F G# C# B = B D# F#
A#m9God, pleasC#e bringB the rain A#m9Yeah, and C#bring iBt soon A#m9Let it floC#od righBt through the houses A#m9Into Judy'C#s room B
A#m9With a fatC#her on Bamphetamines A#m9Her motherC# hides Bthe pearls A#m9Reach out C#into thBe darkness A#m9And find mC#y littlBe girl
A#m9'Cause sheC#'s angrBy like a salesman A#m9That couldC#n't makBe a sale A#m9Threw her C#weddingB ring in the sewer A#m9And damnedC# them aBll to hell
A#m9Please leaC#d her tBo the mountain A#m9That you fC#ashioneBd out of sand A#m9While the C#roachesB climb the walls A#m9From the hC#otel whBere he calls
A#m9Most peoplC#e neverB find a love A#m9Most peoplC#e neverB find a love A#m9Sometimes C#you jusBt can be a man A#m9Sometimes C#you jusBt can be a man A#m9When your C#living Bin the darkness A#m9Of the shaC#dowlandBs A#m9The shadowC#lands B A#m9The shadowC#lands B