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Capo: 1
Gracie Chords Ryan Adams & The Cardinals III/IV (2010) tabbed by levey13 *Capo 1st fret* Intro: F C G x4
CHello Gracie you're a Fgood little Cgirl It's a Fbeautiful Cworld oh and Gyou're out in it CLast time I saw you Fplaying in the Cyard You were Frunning with the Cchildren And the Gold people were smiling
FDo you miss me, would you Cknow me at Gall If you Fwalked by my house Would you Csmile and turn the Gcorner? FWell your kisses only Cmake it feel Gworse You know you Fgotta make the best
Of the time God has given you
AmI scratched your Cname into a Fwall on the Gbeach With my Ckeys into the Fside of the pier AmI used to Csleep so I would Fdream that I was Glying With Cyou mid-Fsummer in the grass in the field
FNobody was Cright, noGbody was Fwrong But someCbody had to Ggo FNobody is Chere, so nGobody is Fgone CHello, goodGbye, hellFo C G F C G F C G F ///// Hello, hello, hello
AmI scratched your Cname in my aFrm with my kGeys On the Cbeach on the Fside of the pier AmI keep your Cpicture in a Fframe on the Gwall Of my Cplace down the Fblock far enough away
It's like I'm not here
FYou're in my Cheart, Gyou're in my Fsoul So I Chave to Glet you go FYou're in my Cheart, Gyou're in my Fsoul But I've Cgotta let you Ggo FHello, Chello, Ghello, Fhello I've Cgotta let you Ggo F HelClo, helGlo, helFlo, I've Cgotta let you Ggo F C G F I've Cgotta let you Ggo F C G F GoodbCye GoodGbye GoodFbye I've Cgotta let you Ggo F C G F GoodbCye GoodGbye GoodFbye I'vCe gotta let you Ggo F C G F