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Turn it up loud and enjoy (Note- chords tabbed with a bass guitar) VERSE 1:
GI watch the eCvening grow Dold And I watch the Amsun grow tiGred CollCapsing into the meadowlands GFunny how I stiCll hear thatD voice Sometimes it's liAmke it's so lGoud I onCly hear a ringing sound If oCnly to sBay this to you nCow I lDove you sGtill and I aClways will If oCnly to sBay this to mysCelf I wDill always love Gyou I wDill always love Gyou So go eaCsy on yourself
Go DeasGy C Go DeasGy C
GYou would like those fClowers on thDe hills And the sunAmlight in the fGall even the coCyotes call GFunny how my minCd counts each Dday By the tiAmmes I've thought of yGou Funny hCow the numbers sway If oCnly to sBay this to you nCow I lAmove you stGill and I always wCill If oCnly to sBay this to mysCelf I wDill always love Gyou I wDill always love Gyou So go eaCsy on yourself
Go DeasGy C Go DeasGy C Go DeasGy C Go DeasGy C GotDta Ggo, gotta Cnow GotDta Ggo, gotta Cnow GotDta Ggo, gotta Cnow