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Title : Crossed Out Name Artist : Ryan Adams Album : Cardinology Transcribed by : Josh Hamilton Notes : - This is a really rough draft, but pretty close. Please add and fix! He does a lot of hammer-on's and Pulloffs listen to the track. P.S. Chord placement is a little off too, so, again listen and he kinda plays the chords as power chords too and sometimes uses the G bar chord. Good Luck! Ryan Adams - Crossed out name ------------------------------- Standard tuning. Capo 3rd Fret Chords used:
e --Am0-- --3G-- --F--- --C0-- --B/C0-- B --1-- --3-- ----- --1-- --1-- G --2-- --0-- ----- --0-- --0-- D --2-- --0-- --2-- --2-- --0-- A --0-- --2-- --3-- --3-- --2-- E ----- --3-- --1-- --0-- -----
Intro-- G/G/G/G
OranCge sGky don't Amgo Manhattan looks like FsomeplaceG else Cloudy with a loFw fog sGhelf
CInto the crowded Gstreets IAm go Eventually they lFead me back Ghome Where we used to live, IF live along and Ginto bed I go
AmI wish I could Gtell you Just Fhow I CfeC/Blt AmI don't pray I Gshower And say gFoodnight to CmyseC/Blf And when I Fclose my Geyes I feel lFike a paGge With a Ccrossed Gout Fname With a Ccrossed Gout Fname
CI kiss her Gmouth and I Amknow For everythingF there is aG word For everytFhing but this I Clike the Gdresses, the shoes, And thAme clothes And everything you Fknow that gGoes, With loving a Fgirl I sGupposed
AmI Wish I could Gtell you Just Fhow I'm ChurC/Bt Ampinpoint the locationG it's in anotherF univeCrseC/B And when I Fclose my Geyes I see a Ffire so Gplain And my Ccrossed Gout Fname CCrossed-Gout Fnames I see a Ccrossed Gout Fname I see a Ccrossed Gout Fname