Roy Orbison - Youll never be sixteen again
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You'll Never Be Sixteen Again:Roy Orbison.
- Album - The Classic Roy Orbison - on
MGM Records in 1966.
BbLook Eout now, Abmlove has done you Awrong.
CYou can be Abweak, you Bmcan be BstrongD.
But if you Ego on you can't look Aback,
Ddon't look Bmback, for you'll Enever be
sixteen aAgain.E
AIt might be Eeasy to stop and Acry.
And let the Erest of the world roll Dby.
But if you Erun for the golden sun.A...Drun now,
Bmrun..for you'll Enever be sixteen aAgainE.
Oh, no, you'll Anever be BbsixGbteen aBmgain, you'll
Enever be Gsixteen aAgain.
CNo, no, no, no, don't be Glonely, Cthere'll always
be new Gromance.
CYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, love is Gonly a Cwin,
lose or draw game of BchanceE.
And you'll Anever be sixteen again.
Remember the rainbow always follows the Drain.
True love Emay be just aAround the bend.
So, make Dtime your Efriend, hearts take Dtime to Emend.
And you'll Anever Ebe Gbsixteen aBmgain.
SomeDday you won't reAgret, and Eyou'll forget, ah,
but you'll Anever be Gbmsixteen aBmgain.
DOh, no, you'll Anever be Esixteen aAgain, oh, Dno,
you'll Enever be sixteen aAgain.
A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.