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Soo, this is how I play California King Bed. I play without capo :) I PLAY THE CHORDS WITH MY LITTLEFINGER AND RINGFINGER ON E & B 3TH FRET THROUGH THE WHOLE SONG. Enjoy! ITNRO Em, C, G, D x2
Em Chest to cChest G Nose to nDose Em Palm to Cpalm We were alGways just that clDose
Em Wrist to wCrist G Toe to tDoe Em Lips that fCelt just like The iGnside of a rDose
So Emhow come when I rCeach out my GfingerDs It Emfeels like more than Cdistance Gbetween usD
In this GCalifornia DKing Bed We're ten Emthouasand miles apCart I've been GCalifornia wDishing on these sEmtars For your heart, for Cme
My California King INTRO x1
Em Eye to eCye G Cheek to Dcheek Em Side by Cside You were Gsleeping next to Dme
Em Arm in Carm G Dusk to dDawn With theEm curtains Cdrawn And a little Glast night on tDhese sheets
So hEmow come when i rCeach out my GfingersD It fEmeels like more than dCistance betGween us D
In this GCalifornia DKing Bed We're ten Emthousand miles apCart I've been GCalifornia wiDshing on these sEmtars For your heart, for mCe
My California king G, D, Em, C
GJust when I felt like givin' up on us Em You turned around and gave me one last Ctouch
That made everything feel better ยจ
D And even then my eyes got wetter CSo confused, wanna ask you if you love Emme
But I don't wanna seem so week
GBaby I've been DCalifornia dCreaming Hey, hey, hey
In this GCalifornia DKing Bed We're ten Emthousand miles apCart I've been GCalifornia wiDshing on these sEmtars For your heart, for mCe
My California king