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Intro: Cm D-Eb X2
CmPlease don't askEb me who, CmWho you think I Ebam CmI could live witEbhout that CmI'm just a modesEbt man
AbMeet at the corEbner andGm tell Tell me what to do 'Cause I mesCmsed up on you and had I known All thaEbt I do now I'm guessing were through now Abreceding into the fEborest I will GmLay around in wait And I wait for yCmou.
CmPlease don't askEb me where CmWhere you think EbI been CmI've been a lot Ebof places G#But this could Gmbe my wCmin
AbMeet at the corEbner andGm tell Tell me what to do 'Cause I mesCmsed up on you and had I known All thaEbt I do now I'm guessing were through now Abreceding into the fEborest I will GmLay around in wait And I wait for yCmou.
EmI feelD so baGd I thDought you wanna kCnow EmI feelD so baGd I thDought you wanna kCnow Something I want to Amshow I thought you ought to Cmknow Eb Fm
CmPlease don't sayEb you want CmTo keep in touchEb out there CmTo see you on thEbe corner G#Well that I jGmust can't bCmare
AbMeet at the corEbner andGm tell Tell me what to do 'Cause I mesCmsed up on you and had I known All thaEbt I do now I'm guessing were through now Abreceding into the fEborest I will GmLay around in wait
EbHey and I tuBbrn C#I turned my head and I thAbought I saw a sEbign From the Bbgods C#A sign from the gods That you Abweren't meant to be miEbne And it's Bbfine C#Takin it all for a Abride Until the day when it'Ebs gone Bb C#Mystified by wheAbre It all weEbnt wrong When iBbt's gone
C#I live and I learn AbAnd I lose and I win But it's bEbetter than ever BbWhenever I'm in I thank yC#ou girl For everyAbehre that we've been Eb