Red Hot Chili Peppers - I could have lied
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I COULD HAVE LIED - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Tabbed by: kasiajonas
Tuning: Standard
Chords used:
Am G F x2
AmThere must be something
In the way I feel
That Gshe don't Fwant me to AmfeelG F
The Amstare she bares cut me
GI don't Fcare
You see so what if I AmbleedG F
I Ecould never change
Just Gwhat I feel
My Dadd9face will never show
FWhat is not real
Am G F x2
A Ammountain never seems to have
The need to speak
A Glook that Fshares so many AmseekG F
The Amsweetest feeling
GI got from Fyou
The things I said to you were AmtrueG F
I Ecould never change
Just Gwhat I feel
My Dadd9face will never show
FWhat is not real
Am G F
I Amcould have lied I'm Fsuch a fool
My Geyes could never never Fnever
Keep their cool
AmShowed her and I Ftold her now
She Gstruck me but I'm Ffucked up now
Am G F x6
But Amnow she's gone yes she's gone away
A Gsoulful Fsong
That would not AmstayG F
You Amsee she hides 'cause she is scared
But GI don't Fcare
I won't be AmsparedG F
I Amcould have lied I'm Fsuch a fool
My Geyes could never never Fnever
Keep their cool
AmShowed her and I Ftold her now
She Gstruck me but I'm Ffucked up now
I Amcould have lied I'm Fsuch a fool
My Geyes could never never Fnever
Keep their cool
AmShowed her and I Ftold her now
She Gstruck me but I'm Ffucked up now
Am F G F x3