Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dont forget me
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D o n ' t F o r g e t M e
R e d H o t C h i l i P e p p e r s
on album By The Way
1. I'Amm an ocean in yFour bedroom
Make Cyou feel warm, make yoGu wanna re-assume
Now Amwe know itF all forC sure. G
2. I'm a dancehall, dirty breakbeat
make the snow fall up from underneath your feet.
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you wanna go!
[One instrumental verse here..]
3. I'm a meth lab, first rehab
Take it all off and step inside the running cab
There's a love that knows the way
4. I'm the rainbow in your jail cell
All the memories of everything you've ever smelled.
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you wanna go!
CHORUS Sideways falling, more will be revealed my friend
Don't forget me, I can't hide it
Come again get reignited.
[One instrumental verse here too..]
5. I'm an inbred and a pothead
Two legs that you spread inside a tool shed
Now we know it all for sure.
6. I could show you to the free field
Overcome and more will always be revealed
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you wanna go!
<<<CHORUS here again.>>>
7. I'm the bloodstain on your shirtsleeve
Coming down and more are coming to believe.
Now we know it all for sure.
8. Make the hair stand up on your arm
Teach you how to dance inside the funny farm
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you wanna go.
This song is really a piece of cake, about ½ of all songs are made with this Am F C G
progression. It's quite similiar to the "Otherside" on their previous album .
This song waws transcribed by Juho Routakorpi (r o u t s i k k a @ s u r f e u . f i).
If there's mistakes or anything, please email them
to me! Or you could mail me anyway, I'd like to get to know RHCP fans
around the world... Anyway, you can freely distribute this tab to all
your guitar playing friends!