Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani california
ukulelever. 1
chords ver. 1
chords ver. 2
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
tabs ver. 4
tabs ver. 5
tabs ver. 6
tabs ver. 7
tabs ver. 8
tabs ver. 9
tabs ver. 10
tabs ver. 11
tabs ver. 12
bass ver. 1
bass ver. 2
bass ver. 3
bass ver. 4
bass ver. 5
bass ver. 6
drum ver. 1
drum ver. 2
drum ver. 3
drum ver. 4
drum ver. 5
drum ver. 6
ukulele ver. 2
1 Column
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Transpose 0
AmGetting born in the stGate of Mississippi,
DmHer Poppa was a copper and her MAmomma was a hippy,
AmIn Alabama shGe will swing a hammer,
DmPrice you got to pay whAmen you break the panorama,
AmShe never knGew that there was aDmnything more than aAmll,
Am Well in the Gwar your comDmfort to take me fAmor,
BAmlack bandanna, swGeet Louisiana,
RDmobbing on a bank in the stAmate of Indiana,
SAmhe's a runner, RebeGl and a stunner,
CDmome to Mirawais saying &qAmuot;Baby watcha gona?",
Am Looking dGown the barrell of a hDmot bell 4Am5,
Am Just another wGay to surviDmve
CalifFornia, ReCst In PeDmace,
SimulFtaneouCs releDmase,
CalifFornia, sChow your tDmeeth,
She's my priFestess, I'Cm your prieDmst,
DmYeah, yeah
Verse 2:
She's a loAmver, BabGy and a fighter,
ShouDmlda seen it coming when I gAmot a little brighter,
Am With a name like &quGot;Dani California",
DDmay was gona come when AmI was gona mourn ya,
Am A little loGw,
That she was steDmaling another brAmead,
I Amlove my baby to death
CalifFornia, ReCst In PeDmace,
SimulFtaneouCs releDmase,
CalifFornia, sChow your tDmeeth,
She's my priFestess, I'Cm your prieDmst,
DmYeah, yeah
WBmho knew the harGdest sF#ide of you?
WBmho knew the harGdest tF#ime to prove?
TBmoo true to sGay goodF#bye to you
TBmoo true to say, say, say
Verse 3:
PusAmhed the fader, GiGfted animator,
ODmne for the now, And eAmleven for the later,
NeAmver made it Gup to Minnesota,
ODmff the coated man, Was gAmona fill the quota,
DAmown in the BadlaGnds she was saDmving the Ambest for last,
IAmt only hurts when I laugh,
Gone to fGade
CalifFornia, ReCst In PeDmace,
SimulFtaneouCs releDmase,
CalifFornia, sChow your tDmeeth,
She's my priFestess, I'Cm your prieDmst,
DmYeah, yeah
CalifFornia, ReCst In PeDmace,
SimulFtaneouCs releDmase,
CalifFornia, sChow your tDmeeth,
She's my priFestess, I'Cm your prieDmst,
DmYeah, yeah
This is the correct way to play it..... (fairly easy)