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To get a sound closer to the fingerpicking in the actual song, play the chords in the following manner: D C Am7 Em G (this part changes, so e|--0h2-0--0--0----0--0-----0---0--0--0----0--0--0-----------| B|--3---3--0--1----3--1-----0h1-0--1--0----0--0--0-----0--0--| G|--2---2--0--0----0--0-----0---0--0--0----2--0--0-----0--0--| D|--0---0--0--2----2--2-----2---2--2--2----2--2--0-----0--0--| A|--x---x--x--3----3--3--0--0---0--0--2----2--2--2-----------| E|--x---x--x--x----x--x-----x---x--x--0----0--0--0--3--------| strum this chord how you like) e|---------------------------------------| B|---0--0--0--0-----0--0-----0--0--0--0--| G|---0--0--0--0-----0--0-----0--0--0--0--| D|---0--0--0--0-----0--0-----0--0--0--0--| A|---------------------------------------| E|3--------------3--------3--------------| [Intro] D C Am7 Em G (x2) [Verse 1]
DLive or Cdie before I Am7get it Emdone will you deGcide? DTake my Cwords and turn them Am7into Emsigns they will Gsurvive Because a Dlong Ctime agoAm7 I Emknew not to Gdeprive,
[Verse 2]
It's Dsafe out Cthere and now you’re Am7everyEmwhere just like the Gsky And Dyou I Clove you, you are the Am7love suEmpreme you are the Gride And when youD hear Cthis you know it'sAm7 yourEm jam it's your gooGdbye
GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone And when the Gdrummer drums He's gonna Cplay my song To carry Emme along
GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone And when the Gboatman comes To ferry Cme away To where weEm all belong
[Verse 3]
DWe all Ccross when we were Am7feeling Emlost it's just the Gtime Could DTerry Ccry the day herAm7 loverEm died she recoGgnized Because you Dgave Cher a life of Am7realEm love it's no surGprise The Dnights are Clong but the Am7years are Emshort when you’re aGlive DWay back Cwhen will never Am7be aEmgain it was a Gtime It's gonna Dcatch Cyou so glad I Am7met Emyou to walk the lGine
GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone And when the Gdrummer drums He's gonna Cplay my song To carry Emme along
[Bridge] Em (x6) [Chorus]
GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone And when the Gdrummer drums He's gonna Cplay my song To carry Emme along
GLet me live so when it’s Ctime to die even the Emreaper cries GLet me die so when it's Ctime to leave another Emsun will rise I saidG yeah! Yeah, Cyeah! Yeah Emyeah!
I saidG yeah! Yeah, Cyeah! Yeah Emyeah!
I saidG yeah! (Chorus restarts at this point; yeahs continue throughout) Yeah, Cyeah! Yeah Emyeah!
(At the end of one full chorus, yeahs stop)
GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone GLike I said You know I'm Calmost dead You know I'm aEmlmost gone
************************************ | h Hammer-on | x Dead note ************************************